Be Warned: When Dal promotes Visible Minorities, they are usually Cabal operatives

According to an official email, Arig al Shaibah, Dalhousie’s first vice-provost, student affairs “will be leaving Dalhousie for another position at the end of March.” Arig al Shaibah will be remembered as the public face of the inquisition attempted inquisition Masuma Khan, the Vice-President of the Dalhousie Student Union. To quote her in a public release dated 23/10/2017,

In this particular case, there was enough evidence for me to determine that this should be examined under section C1.f. of the Code. As the VPAE DSU did not agree to explore resolution of the matter through informal means, it is now left to the Senate Discipline Committee (SDC) to weigh the evidence of all students participating and determine whether a violation of the relevant section of the Code occurred. It is open to Senate Disciplinary Committee to consider Charter values, of which freedom of expression is one. A panel of peers and academics will determine the merits of the case brought before them, which is a healthy approach in that the decision doesn’t lay in the hands of one administrator.

By 25/10/2017, she vigorously backpedals. To quote:

Having considered and weighed all of the events of the last few weeks, and particularly the last couple of days, at this time, with the endorsement of the officers of Senate and with the knowledge of the Complainant and witnesses, I am withdrawing the complaint for three critical reasons:

You can read her “reasons” in the link if you want to. I am of the opinion that Dalhousie suddenly realized that their strange relationship with the Student Union was being scrutinized all across Canada. But hold on, this is not why I posted this blurb. Dalhousie is once again making headlines by claiming that the new replacement vice-provost, student affairs will be chosen only from racially visible, Indigenous candidates!. To quote Carolyn Watters, Provost and Vice-President Academic Chair, Vice-Provost Student Affairs Search Committee in an official Dalhousie email dated 26/01/2018,

In keeping with the principles of our Employment Equity Policy, and with an aim to increase the representation of underrepresented groups at Dalhousie, this search for a new Vice-Provost Student Affairs will be restricted to racially visible persons and Aboriginal peoples at this time.

But did having a “racially visible” Arig al Shaibah as the previous candidate really help in the Masuma Khan affair? Or is this classic Dalhousie© misdirection, aimed at burying the handling of the Masuma Khan affair, as well Dalhousie administration’s curious relationship with its Student Union, by raising controversial non-issues?

Now let me tell you a little story. Due to the nature of my case, I have become well-aware of how the Cabal operates among visible minorities in Canada. For example, I came across a person who had a side job of assisting Intelligence in the Halifax Muslim community. If the Cabal was targeting a particular person, he would get a heads up. If this targeted person were to visit a mosque or a Muslim community center, this person would deploy stalkers to shadow the targeted person, with the hope that such people would somehow gain the trust and confidence of the targeted person (for the purpose of entrapment). Although these operations were low-tech and Intelligence didn’t exactly seem to pay him that well, it was still very creepy and disgusting for a targeted person.

Imagine my surprise when I recently learn that the child of this person is in a very important position at Dalhousie, serving as a liaison between the students and the administration. The child in question does the whole Muslim identity thing, but its a gimmick. Imagine what would happen if a student like me, facing Criminal Cabal Persecution, were to approach him/her and trust him/her?

One of the biggest stumbling block visible minorities and Aboriginals face in Canada are compromised individuals from within them, who make secret deals with Intelligence. Such people usually end up being touted as leaders and representatives of their communities. With Dalhousie doing the new “visible minority” jig, expect to see more of such compromised people at Dalhousie. If Dalhousie is doing a lot of effort to promote them, it is all the more likely that they work for Intelligence.

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