Category: Snips&Snipes

Content that is too minimal for its own post, yet is still relevant for this website ends here. Think of this category as tweets, but without any reliance on the Twitter Interface.

Cabal Times

The real reason why Telegram Executive Pavel Durov has been arrested

On 24th August 2024, Pavel Durov was arrested in France on alleged criminal charges relating to an alleged lack of content moderation on Telegram and refusal to work with police. There was a subsequent media blitz to portray him as some some kind of criminal. The real reason he is under arrest is that unlike other instant messaging platforms, Telegram is not completely backdoored by Western Intelligence Agencies. They have a feature called Secret Chats, which never leave the two...

Cabal Times

France headed for Depopulation

France, a nation which aggressively pushed the Covid-19 vaccine, is now headed for depopulation. Apparently, birth rates are more difficult to hide than sudden deaths. Their crypto-Phoenician President is now offering fertility checks to his citizenry, in an effort to be pretend-concerned. Some of their brainwashed citizenry are still concerned about sharia law.

Cabal Times

South Korea heading for Rapid Depopulation (And Communist Invasion)

South Korea, a small, technologically advanced country, also has a strong culture of conformity. So the entire population lined up for their Covid19 vaccine shots. And now there are grim predictions that their birth rate has fallen so low, that they are headed for extinction. Of course,the data on deaths following the vaccine is being suppressed and attributed to other causes, but hiding birth rates is of course, more difficult. When Chinese backed Communists from North Korea once invaded, they...

Cabal Times

Strange shooting in Seattle

An alleged pedophile who got killed (on camera) in a police shootout in Seattle on 17th April 2024 turns out to be a Navy doctor who served at Guantanamo Bay, and was also the commander of the NATO Role 3 multinational medical unit in Afghanistan. Google seems to be censoring his name. But do check out some research by Instagram user @photogsteve81.

Cabal Times

UberⓇ India is Hiring

Back in the days of the Pandemic, UberⓇ India distinguished itself as a notorious promoter of the Covid-19 vaccines. Customers using the UberⓇ app were even notified in advance that their driver was indeed vaccinated with the Covid-19 vaccine. But as we now know, the vaccine may have made the driver more sick, by inducing Covid-19 and many other dangerous maladies. In other words, a vaccinated driver was more dangerous to the passengers than an unvaccinated one. And given the...

Cabal Times

Beware these Eight Israeli brands/products

The BDS Movement has compiled a list of eight Israeli brands/products that shouldn’t be in your shopping cart (unless, of course, you support war and occupation). Of course, there are many more. But these are the most notorious.

Cabal Times

Gaza conflict planned 11 years ago?

This is the cover of the Economist magazine, 22nd December 2012- 4th January 2013. Note the “Hamas Glider” shooting an Israeli one, resulting in “Wrath.” The “Hamas Glider” clearly has the word Hamas written on the headband of the pilot. Also, did you know that according to the Midrash (ancient rabbinic commentary on the Talmud), hamas in Hebrew means violence, murder and complete moral destruction (Breishit Rabba 31:6). Funny choice of a name the “Palestinians” made.

Cabal Times

Gazans are being tricked into leaving

Someone on Reddit is claiming that four years ago, a British-Israeli billionaire family which also happens to have investments in Israeli hotel chains was seeking investments for a “New Dubai” where Gaza currently is. They were proposing hotel complexes where Western tourists would arrive by the thousands. What is most interesting is that this was posted on the Palestine Subreddit but was immediately deleted. But screenshots were saved, which made it to Tiktok, and are currently being reposted on Reddit....

Cabal Times

JPGs supporting Hamas?

Why are “Jews Pretending to be Goys” (JPGs) getting the spotlight for publicly supporting Hamas? Check out Lebanese JPG Mia Khalifa (The link is porn-free and is safe for work).

Cabal Times

Fooling the Goyim again…

To quote some interesting commentary by Miles Mathis, You do realize this makes absolutely no sense, right? A dozen bozos hang-glided over the border intoa kibbutz peace party and kidnapped 40 of the most beautiful women in Israel? So how did Hamas get those girls out of there and back across the border? The border was tight on the way in, requiring they come in silently by air, but then they could noisily drive their pickups full of dead girls...

Cabal Times

Riots (and Fake Counter-Riots) in France

Like all European countries, France has been a Phoenician colony for ages. In fact Napoleon, a major figure in their history was a crypto. The global French “empire” brought little prosperity to France but helped the Phoenicians steal and extort while flying the zombie French flag. The so-called French “Revolution” saw heads of the old aristocracy lopped off, but the same procedure was never repeated because the new elite since then has been Phoenician. But unlike other European (and European-origin)...

Cabal Times

Will the real Putin Please Stand Up?

If Prigozhin does indeed reach Moscow (and if he is legit), he would be in for some funny surprises. From the beginning of this war, it is unclear who is/was calling the shots on the Russian side. Putin? the FSB? the Generals? Those who saw the rise of the earlier Putin will recall that he was a slender, oily man who exuded a sinister-creepy air. The Putin currently in the Kremlin is slightly heavyset, and has a likeable, farmer-like persona...

Cabal Times

Why They Need the Neanderthals…

The Phoenicians want you to believe that as opposed to man’s perfect creation in the heavens, and his descent from the heavens to earth, man “evolved” from apes that were already roaming on earth.