Tagged: Israel

Cabal Times

Beware these Eight Israeli brands/products

The BDS Movement has compiled a list of eight Israeli brands/products that shouldn’t be in your shopping cart (unless, of course, you support war and occupation). Of course, there are many more. But these are the most notorious.

Cabal Times

Gaza conflict planned 11 years ago?

This is the cover of the Economist magazine, 22nd December 2012- 4th January 2013. Note the “Hamas Glider” shooting an Israeli one, resulting in “Wrath.” The “Hamas Glider” clearly has the word Hamas written on the headband of the pilot. Also, did you know that according to the Midrash (ancient rabbinic commentary on the Talmud), hamas in Hebrew means violence, murder and complete moral destruction (Breishit Rabba 31:6). Funny choice of a name the “Palestinians” made.

Cabal Times

Gazans are being tricked into leaving

Someone on Reddit is claiming that four years ago, a British-Israeli billionaire family which also happens to have investments in Israeli hotel chains was seeking investments for a “New Dubai” where Gaza currently is. They were proposing hotel complexes where Western tourists would arrive by the thousands. What is most interesting is that this was posted on the Palestine Subreddit but was immediately deleted. But screenshots were saved, which made it to Tiktok, and are currently being reposted on Reddit....

Cabal Times

JPGs supporting Hamas?

Why are “Jews Pretending to be Goys” (JPGs) getting the spotlight for publicly supporting Hamas? Check out Lebanese JPG Mia Khalifa (The link is porn-free and is safe for work).

Cabal Times

Fooling the Goyim again…

To quote some interesting commentary by Miles Mathis, You do realize this makes absolutely no sense, right? A dozen bozos hang-glided over the border intoa kibbutz peace party and kidnapped 40 of the most beautiful women in Israel? So how did Hamas get those girls out of there and back across the border? The border was tight on the way in, requiring they come in silently by air, but then they could noisily drive their pickups full of dead girls...