The Cabal Times Guide to War and Conflict in the Middle East
Most people (including residents of the Middle East) are so blissfully unaware of the Secret History of the Middle East that when all media focus turns to conflicts in the Middle East, they rush to grapple whatever babyish tropes are thrown at them by the Phoenician media. And again, they usually lack the attention span to properly process information. They end up taking sides preassigned to them, unaware that they are being drawn into a Phoenician theatrical production that spans ages.
Now where do we start? The Middle East is where Judaism, Christianity and Islam came from. What is less known as that our self-imposed rulers are also Middle Eastern people, and will continue to be so (for many parts of the modern world). The entire Mediterranean coast was where the Phoenicians first emerged, with the area of present-day Lebanon being their original home turf. This was long before Christianity and Islam. The Phoenicians later start cosplaying as Greeks, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Mauryans, Mongols, Safavids, Imperial-Maritime European Powers, modern European elites, Soviets, Americans etc. but this was nothing but a continuation of the same old same old. Despite having a degree in history from a Western spook-University, I wouldn’t have known either, were it not for a multi-part paper on the Miles Mathis website.

As for my University education, on the right is an actual text that was prescribed in a History course at Dalhousie University.
Do you get the Phoenician pun? When you want to find out what Middle East conflicts are all about (or how they relate to USA), they want you walking down a labyrinth to nowhere. Because if you knew the truth, you would stop caring. Plebs are not supposed to find out what Middle East conflicts are all about. And not just Western plebs. Even the residents of the Middle East are equally clueless, and they usually have little time and mindspace to ponder, given the poverty and grind of their daily existence.
Some Necessary Disambiguation
The key to understanding Middle East conflicts is being aware that you are dealing with intense levels of wordplay. For example,

- The Palestinians started having their human rights trampled upon (in a major way) with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1947. Prior to the migration of European Jews, most of them were living, peaceful, prosperous lives. And Palestinians in Lebanon (who later started being referred to as “Lebanese” after the creation of that artificial nation) somewhat continued to prosper. In contrast, Western nations have been at war with other Muslim groups in the Middle East such as the Kurds via proxies such as Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran since World War I. They have even used chemical weapons on the Kurds numerous times. And prior to World War I, Phoenician proxies have been battling the Kurds since 1512 AD!
- Most of the Middle East has already been secretly conquered by the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians actually had more of an iron grip on modern Syria (prior to the fall of Bashar al-Assad) than they had on Israel! Ironically, the Baathist government of Bashar al-Assad killed more Muslim Arabs than the Israelis in recent times (Going strictly be body count).[1]Al Yarmouk, the largest gathering of Palestinian refugees in Syria was completely destroyed by Bashar al-Assad.
- The modern political map of the Middle East is less than a century old. Many new nations such as Israel, Lebanon, Tunisia and Kuwait have no historical basis. On the other hand, some legit groups like the Kurds were denied nationhood, and instead had their region partitioned among several of the newly created nations, just so that they would always be deprived of a nation. Despite 57 Muslim countries in the world as of 2025, not one of them dares to openly support an independent Kurdistan.
- While Arabs are native to the Middle East since antiquity, most modern “Arab” countries emerged following World War I The Arabs were indeed at the forefront of the emergence of Islam. But Arabs lost political control of most of the Middle East following the Mongol invasions. After them, other non-Arab Muslim groups such as the Kurds, the Circassians and the Turks played a far more significant role in keeping the Middle East sovereign from the Phoenicians, who had by then rebranded themselves as Imperial European powers. Were it not for these various Turkic groups, Arab Muslims would have been eviscerated from the Middle East a very long time ago. After the fall of the Ottoman Turks following World War I, many “Arab” nations were created. But in reality, the local Arab populations were duped into stupidly and pridefully “fronting” these nations, whereas in reality, the Phoenicians operated them. A tragic case point is modern Syria (prior to the fall of Bashar al-Assad), and Baathist Iraq.
- Modern Turkey is no longer run by Turks (They lost control in 1512).
- Modern Iran is no longer run by Iranians (They lost control following the fall of the Qajars). And actual Iranians are not religious or concerned with the affairs of the Middle East.
- Until the recent overthrow of Bashar al-Assad, Baathist Syria was never run by “Syrians.” In other words, Syria has been under Phoenician occupation since 1963!
- Israel/Zionism was not founded by “Jews.”
- Israel is not run by everyday “Jews.”
- Common “Jews” are no longer adherents of Classical Judaism. And no, they don’t really care about rebuilding the temple of Soloman on the site of an Mosque. That’s just programming from their Phoenician overlords.
- Judaism is no longer what it started out as. It was reverse-engineered around the Crucifixion, and even prior to that.
- All the “Jews” in the Middle East are not clustered in Israel. Many big populations of Sephardic crypto-Jews can be found in Yemen (Hello Osama), Iraq (Hello Saddam) and Iran (Hello Isfahani Mullahs).
- Greater Israel is actually a placeholder for “Greater Phoenicia,” down to every point on the map. Israelis may do the donkey work and make blood sacrifices, but the ultimate rulers of their conquests wont be them. The Phoenicians don’t care about Jerusalem. They care about Tyre and Sidon (up North in present-day Lebanon).
- While Palestinians have proved to be extremely resilient people, they are not exactly a threat to Israel. And they were never religious Muslims. Their political leadership is in fact, hopelessly infiltrated by the Phoenicians. In short, present-day Palestine is an open-air prison run by Israel and the UN. Israel could have easily solved the Palestinian issue by simply upholding their rights as Israeli citizens. Instead, against all reason and logic, Israel went Nazi on them. Palestinians face two unfair disadvantages:
- Like the Phoenicians, the Palestinians [2]As well as the Lebanese. are also an ancient, Semitic people. As you may have guessed, there always been many crypto-Phoenicians, complete with the trademark lantern-jaw, who identify as Palestinians, and who have assumed political leadership over Palestinians ever since the Ottoman Empire came to an end following World War I.
- Genuine Palestinian political leaders end up being assassinated by Israel, even before they emerge on a national level. You probably never even hear their names.[3]Some legit Palestinian leaders such as Abdullah Azzam did manage to establish a following, but only outside Israel. He was killed by Osama Bin Laden, who didn’t want competition in Afghanistan.
- Supposed “Palestinian leaders” have historically supported figures/groups who opposed the Kurds, such as Saddam Hussein, the Syrian Baath Party and even ISIL. This is further indication of their political leadership being operated by the Phoenicians from the very beginning. They have also involved themselves in Phoenician “terror theatre,” hostage takings, hijackings and bombings done by Western Intelligence Agencies, but front by them. These have been greatly detrimental to their cause. Yet no one among them calls out these events has fakes.
- Christianity is no longer what it started out as. It has been reverse-engineered, zombified and splintered beyond recognition. Most Christians are more about community and culture, rather than theology. Ask them their position on usury and Freemasonry, and you will normally get a “deer in the headlights” look. They would rather let that slide.
- Judaism and Christianity are not Abrahamic religions because they pick and choose Abrahamic Prophets they like and reject the ones they don’t like. For example, Judaism has “no comment” on Jesus, and “no comment on our no comment” on Muhammadﷺ. Christianity rejects Muhammadﷺ.
- Certain splinters of Islam such as the Alawites (the ruling elites of Bashar al-Assad’s Syria), Shiite sects of Iran (Hello Hizbollah), Lebanon, Yemen (Hello Houthis), Ismailis (Hello Agha Khan) etc. have completely slipped out of line with genuine Islamic theology and have been converted into Phoenician projects. Some were always Phoenician projects from the beginning. The good news is that they were never recognized as authentic by mainstream Sunni Islam.
- The United States is not in the Middle East to combat some sandal-clad Arab “Terrorists.” Al Qaida emerged from the bowels of Langley and London, and 9/11 was nothing more than some insipid, maudlin street-theatre. Neither are they interested in oil. Russia produces more oil than Saudi Arabia [4]Yet none of this oil wealth ever trickles to the luckless Russian citizenry.. Has the United States ever invaded a square inch of Russian territory in its entire history?[5]One of the main reason the Phoenicians peddled fake nuclear weapons during the so-called Cold War was to help explain Western citizenry why the United States never bothered to openly combat the Soviet Union, and now Russia. Now we see Donald Trump trying to pooh-pooh the Ukrainians into backing down from bombing Moscow and invading Russian territory. Modern Russia is just another Phoenician construct, and the United States has actually defended it on a covert level!
Greater Phoenicia?

The Phoenicians were chased out of Tyre in 1290 AD by the Turkic origin Bahri Mamluks. Their Sultan Al-Ashraf Khalil had all the important fortifications at Tyre demolished because he knew that the Phoenicians would come back. They did come back, but six hundred years later, following the Ottoman defeat in World War I. Tyre is currently under the jurisdiction of Lebanon. And this corrupt failed state was created by the Phoenicians specifically to hold on to Phoenician sacred sites such as Tyre, Sidon and Jezzine (which is actually the real Zion). They also reduced Sunni Muslims to a minority in the region through an influx of Christians,[6]The Christians of Lebanon are referred to as Maronites, Maroon being another name for the Phoenician purple-dye Alawites and Shiite sects. They also invented a new religion in the region, free of continuity with earlier Prophets.[7]I am referring to the Druze, whose religion sidesteps the question of Judgement by plagiarizing the Hindu concept of rebirths. So what else do the Phoenicians want?
It turns out there are many more ancient Phoenician sites scattered across the Middle East. For example, Palmyra and Tadmor are in Syria. And they also want Constantinople/Istanbul back. They are also attached to Ancient Egypt and Babylon (Iraq). Getting these places back won’t be possible without a huge World War, which would draw upon the firepower of all Western nations and economies under their control.
And then what?
The Phoenicians would have never left Phoenicia were it not for the Muslims. But turning Europe and the Americas into a home base inadvertently allowed the locals of those regions to establish industry and create the strongest Middle Class in human history. The Phoenicians came up with Communism to prevent the emergence of such a Middle Class, but it only managed to take root among the primitive populations of Russia and China.
They are now ready to “pull the plug” on Western civilization and physically return to Phoenicia. This would be the equivalent of shifting the combined global operations of cities like London, Paris, Berlin and New York to Phoenicia. It would require entire populations, industries and armies of Western people moving in with them, on a permanent basis. And it would require the destruction of all Muslims in the vicinity of present-day Israel, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. That’s a tall order. However, the Phoenicians have in their possession a deadly weapon, the Donkified human, which we shall discuss later.
Greater Phoenicia will be run out of Jerusalem. But it won’t be Jewish (Israel would cease to exist long before). Neither would it be Christian. It would be run by the UN, as the epicenter of an ever-expanding Global Government. There would be return to Phoenician era pagan practices, such as worship and child sacrifices for fallen angels (although they will be repackaged as new beliefs). Anyone who wants to live in Greater Phoenicia is expected to be OK with all of this and sign the dotted line.
In short, the Phoenicians want to re-establish their ancient devil-worshipping, child-sacrificing Canaanite religions at their ancient sites in the Middle East, after a gap of around 4500 years. Of course, they can’t openly tell you that, because then, you wouldn’t be much motivated to care, support (or die) for that cause.
Here is a timeline of key past events which are critical for generating a projected sequence of future events, which we shall do after some relevant discussion.
Timeline of Key Past Events*
*The significance of many of these events is hidden from history.
Note: Date in Maroon indicates Phoenician activity.
- 2500 BC:The establishment of Phoenicia according to mainstream sources.
- 1746 BC: Hyksos conquer Egypt. The Hyksos were Jewish but definitely not proto-Phoenician. Pharaonic records try to disparage them as foreigners.
- 1531 BC: Hittites destroy Babylon; Babylonian Empire Collapses
- 1549 BC: Egypt restored to crypto-Phoenicians under the Pharaoh Ahmose I. The Hyksos that could escape settled around Jerusalem. While those that could not, were turned into slaves. These became the “Jews” who would later be freed by Moses.
- 1504 BC: Egypt destroys what remains of the Hyksos by conquering Jerusalem. They are however careful not the engage the Mittani, who are just up North.
- 1209 BC: Prophet Moses gathers all Jews enslaved in Egypt since the fall of the Hyksos and leads them out of Egypt towards the Levant. When Moses and his followers approach the Red Sea, it parts ways, allowing them to cross. Jews later conquer parts of Canaan from the Phoenicians, under Prophet Joshua.
- 1173 BC: Hittites Collapse in the aftermath of the Trojan Wars. Anatolia and present-day Istanbul fall to the Phoenicians. Phoenicians would continue genociding their modern-day forerunners, such as the Circassians and the Chechens, down to the present day.
- 1037 BC: Kingdom of Israel established.
- 1007 BC: Kingdom of Israel becomes increasingly infiltrated by Phoenicians. Judah (which includes Jerusalem) rebels against the Kingdom of Israel.
- 998 BC: King/Prophet David rules the reunited Kingdom of Israel.
- 970 BC: King/Prophet Soloman rules the United Kingdom of Israel.
- 952 BC: Temple/Mosque built in Jerusalem. It is likely that this was built on the grounds of the original one built by Prophet Abraham. Upon the death of Soloman, the Egyptian Pharaoh would destroy it.
- 871 BC: A controversial king would rule the Northern Kingdom of Israel till 852 BC. King Ahab instituted Baal worship and married Jezebel, the daughter of Ithobaal I of Tyre. So there is no doubt he was a crypto-Phoenician all along.
- 609 BC: Battle of Megiddo takes place between the army of Pharaoh Necho II of Egypt and the Judaean King Josiah. This resulted in Josiah’s death and his kingdom becoming a vassal state of Egypt. Mainstream historical sources pretend that the Pharaoh had come to battle Babylon but accidentally picked up a fight with Judah!
- 583 BC: Judah is annexed by the neo-Babylonian Empire. The Temple/Mosque made by Solomon at Jerusalem is completely destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar II.
- 305 BC: Egypt transferred to Greek-Phoenicians (The beginnings of Ptolemaic Egypt).
- 140 BC: Jewish Hasmonean Kingdom appears, centered on Jerusalem, following the Macabean-Jewish revolt against Parthia. The Hasmoneans pursued an aggressive “scorched earth” stance against the Phoenicians, who were referred to as “Hellenized Jews” in their historical records. But they ended up being conquered by the Romans led by Herod.
- 4 BC: Birth of Jesus.
- 30 AD: Attempted Crucifixion of Jesus.
- 66 AD: Judean rebels expel and repulse the Romans from Judea.
- 68 AD: Romans retake all of northern Judea
- 70 AD: Rest of Judea reconquered by the Romans
- 132 AD: Bar Kochba’s revolt expels Romans from Judea
- 135 AD: Romans reconquer Judea.
- 165-220 AD: Judaism completely incorporated by the Roman-Phoenicians as a Spookian project (Building on an earlier analysis). Notice that the Jewish anti-Roman revolts permanently cease around this time.
- 570 AD: Muhammad ﷺ, the Prophet of Islam is born in Mecca. He would die in 632 AD.
- 637 AD: Caliph Umar conquers Jerusalem. Jews are finally allowed to enter and settle in Jerusalem after several centuries. They are also allowed to weep at the Wailing Wall, which is supposedly the only remnant of the Temple/Mosque originally built by Prophet Soloman. This is after a gap of around seven centuries!
- 642 AD: Conquest of Ptolemaic Egypt by the Rashidun Caliphate.
- 643 AD: Conquest of Sassanid Persia by the Rashidun Caliphate.
- 678 AD: A companion of the Prophet reaches the walls of Constantinople/Istanbul.
- 698 AD: Umayyads capture the ancient Phoenician port of Carthage.
- 711 AD: Umayyads capture most of Spain
- 951 AD: The first-ever Muslim-Kurdish principality of the Shaddadids rules parts of present-day Armenia and Arran.
- 969 AD: Crypto-Phoenician Muslims (Ismailis) take back Egypt. Crusaders begin assembling in Egypt.
- 1048 AD: Seljuk Turks start making inroads into Byzantine territory in Anatolia.
- 1096 AD: First Crusade
- 1099 AD: The Crusaders take Jerusalem from the Muslims. They were very angry that Muslims allowed Jews to congregate in the city after the Romans had originally expelled them.
- 1171 AD: The Kurdish Saladin (Ayyubids) puts an end to the Fatimids in Egypt.
- 1187 AD: Saladin inflicts the first-ever major defeat of the Crusaders. In the same year, he would recapture Jerusalem, which had fallen to the Crusaders.
- 1219 AD: The Mongol Destruction of the Islamic World Phase I commences under Genghis Khan.
- 1250 AD: The Kurdish Ayyubids inflict defeat on the Crusaders intent on taking back Egypt. The King of France is captured. Crusades are formally called off.
- 1256 AD: The Mongol Destruction of the Islamic World Phase II commences under Hulegu.
- 1258 AD: Mongol destruction of Abbasid Baghdad and fall of Arab political power. The Mongols would then destroy the Ayyubids in Syria.
- 1260 AD: First Mongol reversal at the hands of Ayyubids and the Mamluks at Ayn Jalut.
- 1271 AD: Circassian Burji Mamluks attempt naval campaigns against Europeans.
- 1290 AD: Mamluks capture the Ancient Phoenician strongholds of Tyre, Acre, Tyre, Sidon, Beirut, Haifa, Tartus and Atlit.
- 1303 AD: Mamluks inflict another defeat on the Mongols near Damascus.
- 1387 AD: The Mongol Destruction of the Islamic World Phase III commences under Timur.
- 1402 AD: Ottoman Sultan captured by Mongols. The Ottomans would make a miraculous comeback.
- 1438 AD: Ascent of the Inca Empire in South America.
- 1453 AD: Conquest of Constantinople/Istanbul by the Ottomans.
- 1492 AD: Muslims chased out of Spain.
- 1492 AD: “Catholic” Spain frenetically starts building a Maritime Empire, spanning the New World and several other continents.
- 1512 AD: Crypto-Phoenician takeover of the Ottoman Sultan’s office through Selim I. This is followed by a genocide of 50% of the Turkish population of Anatolia.
- 1514 AD: Selim I and the Safavid King of Iran conspire to destroy the Turks who fled Anatolia using cannons at Chaldiran.
- 1516 AD: Selim I destroys the Mamluks of Egypt.
- 1736 AD: A Kurdish dynasty establishes in Iran.
- 1798 AD: Napoleon arrives in Egypt to finish off the Mamluks. He actually chases them deep into Sudan. But some Ottoman units move in to cut his flank from the Egyptian coast. It is at this moment that the British intervene as “Ottoman allies.” This was a clever trick to prevent the Ottoman military from handling the French on their own terms. The British are there to ensure a safe exit for Napoleon’s forces. Later on, we see the British repeating the same “Ally trick” in Crimea (ensuring Russians are not defeated by the Ottomans).
- 1811 AD: Final genocide of the Mamluks at Cairo citadel done by Muhammad Ali, the new Freemason ruler of Egypt. He was closely connected with the Ismailis.
- 1826 AD: Ottoman Jannissaries rounded up and executed at the ancient Phoenician port of Thessaloniki. This happens to be the birthplace of later crypto-Jewish leader Mustafa Kemal.
- 1840 AD: Agha Khan II, a direct descendant of the Fatimid Caliphs of Egypt, is chased out of Iran by the Kurdish Qajar rulers. He establishes himself in British Bombay.
- 1864 AD: Russian genocide of Circassians in the Caucasus.
- 1909 AD: Formal end of the Ottoman Empire. Around this time, the last Sultan and the CUP, in collaboration with German-Phoenicians, organized a genocide of Armenians. They also organized a lesser-known genocide of the Kurds. By the end of World War I, up to 700,000 Kurds had been forcibly deported and almost half of the displaced perished.
- 1920 AD: Creation of Lebanon.
- 1920 AD: After World War I, the victorious Western allies made provision for a Kurdish state in the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres. However, that promise was broken three years later, when the Treaty of Lausanne set the boundaries of modern Turkey and made no such provision, leaving Kurds with minority status in all of the new countries.
- 1920 AD: Creation of modern Syria. Upon creation, it was immediately snatched from the Hashemites by the French.
- 1921 AD: Creation of Jordan as a British Protectorate, which ended up in the hands of the Hashemites. These are legit descendants of the Abbasids, and by long-distance extension, the Prophet of Islam ﷺ. Before the fall of the Ottomans, the British had promised them the entire Middle East in exchange for their treason. As expected, they ended up being cheated, and were left with only Jordan.
- 1924: British create modern Iraq to counter the Kingdom of Kurdistan, which was established in 1922.
- 1925 AD: Kurds lose control of Iran to the crypto-Phoenician Pahlavis. The Pahlavis would launch a military operation against autonomous Kurds and introduced a program of detribalization and sedentarization, which greatly reduced their power.
- 1925 AD: Half of the Turkish Army is mobilized against the Kurds in the Sheikh Said Rebellion. The rebellion was ultimately crushed and Sheikh Said was executed. By mid-1925, the government initiated a pogrom in Diyarbakir executing civilians and burning villages to the ground which in total destroyed about 206 villages and killed 15,200 Kurds.
- 1931 AD: Barzani leads a major Kurdish revolt in Iraq but fails.
- 1932 AD: Creation of modern Saudi Arabia.
- 1934 AD: Kemalist Turkey passed a Settlement Law which banned the Kurdish language in public and issued the settlement of Turks to the Kurdish region. The use of Kurdish language, dress, folklore, and names were banned and the Kurdish-inhabited areas remained under martial law until 1946. The words “Kurds”, “Kurdistan”, or “Kurdish” were officially banned by the Turkish government, despite the fact that Kurds constituted more than 25% of modern Turkey’s population.
- 1938 AD: Sadegh Sharafkandi, Secretary General of Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran assassinated in Berlin, supposedly by German Intelligence.
- 1943 AD: Barzani leads another Kurdish revolt and establishes the short-lived Republic of Mahabad.
- 1948 AD: Creation of Israel.
- 1956 AD: Israel, UK and France invade Egypt and try to take control of the Suez Canal. They back out after Saudi Arabia starts pressuring the United States.
- 1958 AD: Iraq falls to the Baath Party through a CIA coup. The Hashemite royals end up being murdered. The Baathists were called on exclusively to deal with the Kurds (Barzani), as the Hashemites were soft on them and could have granted them a separate state.
- 1961 AD: First Iraqi-Kurdish war unfolds. It would end in a stalemate in 1970, with almost 100,000 people killed.
- 1963 AD: Syria falls to the Baath Party. One of the first things they did the same year was providing aircraft, armored vehicles and a force of 6,000 soldiers to an Iraqi military campaign against Iraqi Kurds.
- 1967 AD: Israel invades the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula.
- 1973 AD: King Faisal invokes an oil embargo on all nations supporting Israel. This contributed to a global recession and opened up anti-Israel sentiments among common people throughout the West. Henry Kissinger later had King Faisal assassinated.
- 1974 AD: The Iraqi Baathists renege on giving the Kurds autonomy, and engage the forces of Barzani with full military force. More than 20,000 people died on either side, and the Kurdish leadership of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) got exiled. They were succeeded by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which operated alone, without any foreign support, in the mountains of Iraq’s North. Saddam Hussein would also commence a “Colonial Arabization” program, including large-scale Kurdish deportations and forced Arab settlement in the region.
- 1975 AD: Pahlavi Iran and Iraq sign the Algiers Accord, following which Iran cuts supplies to Iraqi Kurds, leaving them to the mercy of Saddam Hussein.
- 1979 AD: Realizing the danger of letting Saudi Arabia monopolize
the jihadanti-Israel sentiment, The completely Westernized, Shiite nation of Iran gets a complete “Islamic” makeover, so that it can play false opposition to Israel. To the advantage of these revolutionaries, the Pahlavis were already facing a serious threat of revolution from a leftist-Islamist group that has long been forgotten.[8]Interestingly enough, a leader of this group went missing in Baathist Iraq, indicating that Baathist Iraq was secretly supporting Iran. The mullahs simply stepped into their shoes. - 1980 AD: With Khomeini and his supporters in danger of losing public support, the Iran-Iraq war was started in the hope of rallying Iran around their new leaders. If the Iranian leadership really wanted to damage Iraq, all they had to do was to start supporting the Iraqi Kurds. Instead, they went to war with Iranian Kurds!
- 1983 AD: Saddam rounds up 8000 men and boys from Erbil province, where the clan of Barzani Kurds was based. The remains of 512 Barzani men were later discovered in a mass grave.
- 1984 AD: Between 1984 and 1999, the pretext of a civil war between the PKK and the Turkish military was used to depopulate the entire Kurdish countryside in Turkey. Officially protected death squads were involved in the disappearance of 3,200 Kurds and Assyrians. The Iranian group Hezbollah also joined in and assassinated PKK members and often ordinary Kurds on Turkish soil, indicating collusion between these two countries.
- 1988 AD: Saddam begins shelling the Kurdish town of Halabja with a mix of chemical substances such as VX (nerve agent), sarin and mustard gas. Over 5,000 people are believed to have been killed in the attack. The gases used were made by an American and a British firm. The Anfal campaign led to destruction of over two thousand villages and killing of 182,000 Kurdish civilians. Iraqi troops recaptured most of the Kurdish areas and 1.5 million Kurds abandoned their homes and fled to the Turkish and Iranian borders. It is estimated that close to 20,000 Kurds succumbed to death due to exhaustion, lack of food, exposure to cold and disease.
- 1999 AD: Jordan falls to a crypto-Phoenician heir.
- 1999 AD: Turkish Intelligence allegedly abducts Kurdish (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan in Kenya, and are still holding him in some special prison. There are some who doubt that Ocalan is indeed legitimate, and suggest that he may be an asset of Turkish Intelligence. For example, he is supposedly pushing books from a high-security Turkish prison, advocating feminism and socialism for his Kurdish followers!
- 2003 AD: Baathist Iraq comes to an end following the Second Gulf War. It is however, transformed into a vassal of Iran. And Saddam Hussein is secretly rehabilitated in Russia. Even after the the fall of Saddam Hussein, the present government of Iraq would continue to antagonize its Kurds with policies comparable to that of the Saddam era.
- 2012 AD: Taking advantage of the Syrian civil war, Kurds in Northeast Syria established an autonomous region called Rojava.
- 2014 AD: ISIL established with the aim of combating Kurds and preventing them from taking advantage of anarchy in Iraq and Syria.
- 2023 AD: Israel starts a campaign of genocide and bombing of Gaza, hoping that all Palestinians will pack up and leave for Egypt. It is estimated that as of December 2024, 300,000 or 12% of Gaza’s population has died. This is being done supposedly in retaliation for a strange event, in which Palestinian/Hamas/UNRWA paragliders morphed into pickup trucks, and kidnapped 251 Israelis.[9]Interestingly, one the Israelis Hamas allegedly captured and killed was an activist devoted to bringing peace among Israelis and Palestinians. He would have been in Israeli crosshairs.
- 2024 AD: Baathist Syria comes to an abrupt end. And Bashar al-Assad is rehabilitated in Russia. It is important to note that Israel never came to the aid of the rebel leader Jolani (despite his repeated pleas), allowing Turkey to insert itself into the rebellion. Israel also bombed all significant Syrian military equipment, ensuring that the rebels would never have access to it.
A cursory look at the above shows that the Phoenicians are not exactly that concerned about Palestinians or Arabs. It is a stateless group, a combine of Turks and the Kurds which are keeping them awake at night. And by Turks, I am not referring to residents of modern Turkey. In an earlier article, I have explained how Anatolia was subjected to a program of de-Turkification, and those rousing racism and nationalism in Turkey are probably less Turkic, and more European (Bosnian, Albanian etc). Erdogan doesn’t look Turkic. On the other hand, some of the more ancient stocks of Turkic people, such as those connected to the Seljuks, moved into Kurdish areas to avoid persecution, and became homogenized with the Kurds. There have been cases where “Kurds,” out of curiosity, conducted DNA tests on themselves, only to discover that their genes were more Turkic than the Turks of Anatolia!

A cursory look at the above shows that the Phoenicians are not exactly that concerned about Palestinians or Arabs. It is a stateless group, a combine of Turks and the Kurds which are keeping them awake at night.
A cursory look at the above also shows that Judaism ceased being an opposition to the Phoenicians around the death of the Christ, and has been co-opted by them. More on that later.
An Introduction to to the Concept of Donkification
To simplify things, I will introduce and explain a social phenomenon, which goes back to antiquity, but still remains overlooked because people are in denial that humans, with all their gifts of Intelligence and Intellect, could be so assinine. Its called Donkification.
Donkification is what happens to a nation or a society when Phoenicians gain control over it, either through infiltration, or by conquest achieved through another group of people. The Phoenicians set out to Donkify a nation they gain control of, such that its larger, collective existence only serves Phoenician projects on an international level. Regardless of whether or not the citizenry agree. And regardless of whether or not these international-level projects are of any benefit to the citizenry.
Nations/Peoples/Societies which cannot be Donkified are eliminated by the Phoenicians. Sometimes the logistics prove this impossible, so they are subjected to significant genocide and repression clustered around a single event, such as an invasion. The following are just a few such historic examples of groups which have faced this prospect at the hands of Phoenician perpetrators:
- The Mongol Destruction of the Islamic world in three phases saw the entire obliteration of towns and cities across the Middle East, Central Asia and even India. It is believed that the entire population of the world fell by around 12%.
- The Circassian people (Almost completely eliminated via Russia). Their ancestors were the Hittites, whom the Phoenicians also genocided and drove out of Anatolia in ancient times. The Trojan Wars are based on Phoenician wars with the Hittites. They are an allegory, not a work of fiction.
- The Armenian people (Faced a genocide via Turkey). This has something to do with Assyrians destroying Babylon in antiquity. They have not been forgiven.
- The Kurdish people (Faced numerous Chemical Weapon attacks. Ongoing Repression). The Kurdish people could not be completely genocided like the Circassians, because they were surrounded by Muslim populations. Unlike the Circassians, who bordered the Russians.
- The Rohingya Muslim population of Burma (Faced Genocide in recent times by a Canadian-Australian backed Government).
- The Cham people of Cambodia.
- Numerous Aboriginal groups in North America, Australia and Russia.
- The African citizenry of the Congo region have been subjected to numerous genocides and repressions since colonial times. You only hear about the Rwandan genocide because the victims, the Tutsis, were go-getters for Western interests.
- The Taluqdars, a class of rich peasants who formed the economic backbone of Mughal India in Uttar Pradesh, were systematically destroyed by the British alongside the Mughals, following the events of 1857.
Nations/Peoples/Societies which end up being controlled by the Phoenicians end up being Donkified, to varying degrees. They also have their religions and cultural practices reverse-engineered to suit the Phoenician overlords. Sometimes the Donkification is incremental and progressive, as in the case of USA and Western Europe (Gets worse with the passage of time). In some rare cases, it even ends up getting reversed when people push back. In another article, I have directly correlated the prevalence of Repression and Gangstalking in societies to the degree of Phoenician control of those societies. Needless to say, you can use the same maps in that article as an Index of Donkification. The more Donkified a society, the more repressive it becomes. The following are some extreme cases of Donkified societies:
- Following World War II, Germany was divided and a Donkified version of Germany was created as “East Germany.” But German culture proved too resilient for the division to continue.
- When the Phoenicians took over Korea following World War II, they arbitrarily split the Northern part into a Donkified nation, where the brainwashed citizenry worships a buffoon from a Swiss boarding school.
- During the World Wars, the rather poor and primitive Chinese people were Donkified through the Communist Party of China. While the Phoenicians used Imperial Japan to accomplish this, they could never achieve the same level of Donkification in Japan following World War II (even with fake atomic bombings), due to the resilience and sophistication of Japanese culture.
- During British rule over the Indian Subcontinent, a group of Indian people in the Punjab emerged as the standard-bearers of Donkification. Not only were they happy to fight, kill and handover their own fellow-countrymen to the British, they were also willing to participate in British wars against the Ottomans for a pittance. They were used in ridding Phoenicia proper (present-day Lebanon) of Turks, and rebuilding the land-bridge to Tyre (literal donkey-work).
- A large part of the Arab citizenry of the Mediterranean, such as Syria (we will get to that in detail), Iraq, Tunisa, Libya and Lebanon appear to be Donkified.

Donkified Israelis?
Are Israelis also Donkified? Yes. But this Donkification took place long before the creation of Israel in 1947, and ages before the emergence of Zionism. A common mistake people make is failing to differentiate between actual Donkified Israelis and Promoters of Zionism. An actual Donkified Israeli is putting his or her life, livelihood, assets and the future of his or her next generation on the line, in the hope that Israel will always be under Jewish control. He or she is likely to be drafted by the Israeli Army. A Promoter of Zionism on the other hand will donate millions of dollars for Israel (hint: they are usually fronting for bigger Phoenician entities; its not their money) and aggressively defend Israel like Ben Shapiro, yet his or her kids go to some Ivy League University in USA. We have a clear dichotomy here. But you have to put in some effort to notice it.
Jewish groups were in ancient times, the only source of opposition to the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians were extremely fearful of Prophets appearing among them, who would sometimes succeed in destroying Phoenician Kingdoms spanning ages. Take the case of the Ancient Egyptians. But slowly and surely, the Phoenicians managed to gain control of Judaism itself, and subjected all its followers to Donkification, being more or less successful. If I were a hazard an inflection point in Jewish history, that would probably be around the death of Christ. I also have reason to believe that some important Jewish religious leaders of that time were bribed by the Phoenicians to oppose the Christ, and cover up the circumstances of his “death.” The Phoenicians later relocated these Jewish leaders to attractive parts of France, and gifted them huge private estates, where they continue to thrive. There has been more discussion on the Jewish-Phoenician dichotomy in a separate article. I wouldn’t have known about it either, were it not for a multi-part paper on the Miles Mathis website. However, the original authors of the paper do not agree that there was ever a Jewish-Phoenician dichotomy, and that they were one and the same all along.
The following are some arguments which point to Judaism being “co-opted” by Phoenicians following the death of the Christ:
- Prior to the death of the Christ, Jews in the Levant were constantly revolting against the Romans, for centuries. They could never accept the rule of Roman pagans. After the death of the Christ, the revolts abruptly stop, for all time to come! Its almost as if the Roman-Phoenicians had co-opted them.
- Jewish religious literature is the biggest source of lore on early Prophets. But when it comes to Jesus, we get an abrupt “no comment” on Jesus, and “no comment on our no comment” on Muhammadﷺ. The Phoenicians excised all information on these two Prophets from entering mainstream Judaism, but they could not do the same for earlier Prophets because they did not control Judaism back then, and the information regarding these earlier Prophets thus seeped into Jewish religious cannon (and became a part of it).
- The Talmud, which is one of the several commentaries/interpretations of Jewish scripture, gets elevated even higher than Jewish scripture itself. The earliest Talmud emerged a mere three centuries after the death of the Christ, indicating that this was indeed a point of inflection. And interestingly, it does not emerge in Jerusalem, but in Babylon! The Phoenicians rewrote Jewish canon through the Talmud. This rewritten canon focused on mobilizing Jewish communities against groups the Phoenicians were battling, by promoting outright racism and elitism.
- Various corruptions in Jewish theology start emerging:
- Hell is reduced to a temporary purgatory.
- The devil is no longer evil, but just another entity doing God’s work.
- The Monotheist God takes the tones of an Egregore.
- We find scattered Jewish communities across the world being mobilized as fifth columns of Roman-Phoenician colonial projects.
Then Islam came. And rather than rushing to the support of Prophet Muhammadﷺ, Jewish communities across Arabia were mobilized to oppose him! They were taking their orders from Tyre (Phoenicia).
The Fall of Spain and the Emergency “Warp Speed” Reverse-Engineering of Judaism
As I have theorized earllier, the Phoenicians had already started secretly colonizing the New World[10]American drugs such as cocaine, nicotine and hashish have been found in mummies of Royal Egyptians, proving they had access to the New World. Some native American groups such as the Cherokee are actually a forced European conglomeration of distinct ethnic groups, some of which have Semitic ancestry and even have Levitical law ceremonies and other Jewish religious law in their traditions. Mormon religious lore talks about “Jews” who reached South America by boat around 600 BC. Elongated skulls have been found among the elite of the Incas. This was a Pharaonic tradition. by discovering an intricate sea route to the New World, from Australia and Oceania, to Easter Island, and then straight to the coast of Chile. It is no coincidence that this Western coast of South America is exactly where advanced Phoenician cultures first emerged, such as the Chinchoros culture, the El Paraiso culture and the Chorerra culture. The Phoenicians were quick to cross overland across Mexico to later establish the Olmec culture along the Gulf of Mexico. While it would make more sense to sail across the Atlantic, the Atlantic (atleast initially) proved to be too turbulent for their ships of that time, which is why the Pacific was preferred (and named as pacifying). Almost all of these naval expeditions were launched from Roman Spain. For example, we are told that between 1300 BC and 300 BC, an advanced culture known as the Chorrera flourished in present-day Ecuador, and they showed advanced use of metals and ceramics. It is more likely that this region was a colony of Chorreras, a Phoenician port in southeastern Spain!
We are sons of Canaan from Sidon…We sailed from Ezion-Geber into the Red Sea and voyaged with ten ships. We were at sea together for two years around Africa but were separated by the hand of Baal and we were no longer with our companions. So we have come here, twelve men and three women…may the exalted gods and goddesses favor us.
The above text was an inscription with strange characters found on four pieces of a stone tablet in1872 in a Brazilian plantation near Paraiba river. A copy of the inscription was sent by the owner of the property to Dr. Ladislau Netto, director of the Museu Nacional in Rio de Janeiro. After studying the document carefully, Dr. Netto announced to a startled world that the inscription recorded the arrival of Phoenician mariners in Brazil centuries before Christ. An “Indian rebellion” would broke out in the Paraiba region that same year and the tablet would disappear. A copy of the inscription was sent to the eminent French historian and philologist Ernest Renan who declared it a fake, and Netto was ridiculed by the academic establishment of his day. Renan based his conclusion on the fact that the text contained certain grammatical errors and incorrect expressions that forced him to question its authenticity. A century later, an American scholar, Cyrus H. Gordon, revisited the Paraiba inscription and arrived at the opposite conclusion. The inscription, he claims, contains grammatical forms and expressions that have been recently discovered and were unknown to linguistic experts of the 19th century like Renan and Netto. Therefore, he contends, the document could not have been a fake. Gordon also claimed that two more of such inscriptions found in the New World were genuine. These two inscriptions were in Ancient Hebrew.
If Mark McMenamin is correct, neither Columbus nor the Vikings were the first non-natives to set foot on the Americas. McMenamin, the Mount Holyoke geologist who last year led an expedition that discovered the oldest animal fossil found to date, may have made another discovery–one that sheds radical new light on present conceptions of the Classical world and on the discovery of the New World.
Working with computer-enhanced images of gold coins minted in the Punic/Phoenician city in North Africa of Carthage between 350 and 320 BC, (please see sketch of coin right and where the world map is supposed to have been inscribed) McMenamin has interpreted a series of designs appearing on these coins, the meaning of which has long puzzled scholars. McMenamin believes the designs represent a map of the ancient world, including the area surrounding the Mediterranean Sea and the land mass representing the Americas.
This secret colonization of the New World was not done in the name of any Abrahamic faith, even though the Phoenicians had by now been forced to recognize Christianity the official religion of the Romans. Instead, the Phoenicians discovered that they could foist their Satanic Canaanite religions on the naive and virginal populations of the New World. Pretty soon, they controlled all of Mexico, and the North-west coast of South America, although later establishment historians have tried to disguise the cultures, technologies and beliefs of these regions as “indigenous” when they are clearly not. The only indigenous cultures remaining were that of some of the North American tribes and those of the inhabitants of the Amazon jungles. The Phoenicians were intent on conquering all of the New World, and forcibly consolidating all the locals under Canaanite religions. This required the importation of weapons, technologies and personnel from Europe on a war footing. Yet, this had to be kept secret from common inhabitants of the Old World, or they too, would migrate and establish themselves in the New World.

With Islamic control of the Levant and Egypt, the Phoenician naval expeditions from Spain to the New World could no longer take shortcuts. They could no longer make an overland journey to the Persian Gulf or even to the Red Sea (which is why there was a desperate attempt to recover Egypt via the Fatimids, and later the Crusades). Now the Phoenicians were sailing from Spain to the New World along the coast of Africa!

In 711 AD, the Umayyads would capture most of Spain from the crypto-Phoenicians. Unknown to most people, this single event, in combination with the land and sea routes to the Indian Ocean falling to new Islamic powers, destroyed Phoenician control over their colonies in the New World. The Phoenicians could no longer launch naval expeditions to the New World from Spain. And the Phoenicians operating in the New World could no longer sail back through the Indian Ocean. This resulted in Phoenicians losing control of their outposts in the New World to indigenous groups.
And so, the Phoenicians launched the crusades, hoping to rid the Mediterranean of Islamic powers once and for all. However, Muslim control of Spain could not be hampered, because those who participated in the crusades were duped into believing that they were liberating Christian holy lands. And there were no Christian holy lands in Spain.

It so happened that Muslim Spain was very tolerant of Jews unlike the previous crypto-Phoenician rulers. And so, many Sephardic Jews had also moved into Spain with the Arabs. The Sephardic Jews were at their Golden Age of prosperity and cultural florescence. The Phoenicians promptly approached the leaders of these Sephardic Jews, to mobilize them against their Arab-Muslim rulers. One such Sephardic Rabbi who rose to this occasion was Mamonides (1135-1204).[11]Averroes (1121-1198) was also a part of this project. Salman Rushdie’s surname is a tribute to him. He was initially tasked with spreading the ideas of earlier Greek-Phoenician philosophers (neo-Platonic thought), and repackaging of Jewish mysticism (kabbalah) for Muslims as Sufism, so as to corrupt Islamic theology itself. The ruse did not last long, and Mamonides was outed as crypto-Jewish, and was forced by the Arab rulers to leave Spain. He then moved to Morocco, and then to Egypt, where he was tasked with mobilizing Jews against their Muslim Arab rulers.
Here, Mamonides began an irreversible process of tampering with what little remained of the genuine Jewish theology. The Phoenicians had already managed to goad the Jewish leadership in the Levant into missing the bus on both Prophet Jesus and Prophet Muhammadﷺ, convincing them that Prophets/Kings/Messiahs would keep coming as they always did, and they could always later settle for one more amenable to them. But Prophet Muhammadﷺ announced that it had been decided that he was the last Prophet, and there would be none to follow him, until the world ceased to exist. This meant that there would not be another Prophet/King/Messiah for all time to come.[12]By rejecting Prophet Muhammadﷺ, Jews missed the bus for all time to come. And since there hasn’t been, most reasonable Jews gave up on the hope of a Kingdom in the Levant, with a nice Temple/Mosque in Jerusalem (which would obviously require the leadership of a Prophet/King/Messiah).
With all the Ancient outposts of Phoenicia now in Muslim hands, and with the failure of the Crusades to reclaim them in the name of Christianity, the Phoenicians started a new experiment. They decided to goad the Jewish diaspora into conspiring against their Muslim rulers, in the hope of re-establishing a Kingdom centered around Jerusalem. Jews had lost all outposts in the region to the Romans at around 135 AD. But this time, there was no Prophet/King/Messiah to reignite a quest for the hypothetical Kingdom. This is where Mamonides intervenes with some classic Phoenician wordplay. To quote a transcript of a 2012 interview by an ex-Yeshiva student Yossi Gurwitz,
In other words, the only difference between the time of Mamonides [and our time] – he died in 1204 – and the time of the Messiah, is who is subordinate to whom. Are the Jews subordinate to “kingdoms”, to other nations? Or can they subordinate other nations? And that is how Maimonides begins his Book of Kings. He explains what the rules are for a king, what a king can do. It emerges from the belief that, yes, there can be a king. You don’t have to first have a temple. You don’t need God to come down from the sky and point at someone and say, “That’s the Messiah”. You can have a king, and if he is victorious, then he’ll also be the Messiah. And then you look at what religious Zionists are doing about this. They want a Messiah. They want him now.
So instead of waiting for a Prophet/King/Messiah (or accepting the reality that they missed the bus), Sephardic Jews were goaded into setting up a state centered around Jerusalem, and then hoping that the Prophet/King/Messiah would not only appear, but also favor them. Needless to say, no Prophet/King/Messiah is showing up. And the state in question is just another Phoenician project, and Greater Israel will ultimately be inherited by a neo-pagan UN World Government.

We are not yet done with Mamonides. The Phoenicians then tasked Mamonides with infiltrating the court of the Kurdish leader Saladin. Mamonides got himself appointed as court physician to to Saladin himself. Saladin then dies of poisoning in 1193 AD, at the age of 55 years.
Those who followed Mamonides were definitely not smart, and this became self-evident in Spain itself. In 1492, the last Muslim state in Spain fell to the Phoenicians (now disguised as rabid Christian Catholics). Sephardic Jewish subjects of the earlier Muslim rulers had participated in their downfall on a war-footing, spying for and conspiring with the Catholics on every possible occasion. They had been promised kingdoms and estates in post-Muslim Spain, and now was a time to celebrate. But the Phoenicians had no intention to share Spain with them, and so, forcibly banished Sephardic Jews from Spain. They ended up once again in Muslim countries, and stupidly, once again resumed conspiring and collaborating with European-Christian powers. Few of them thought they could continue living in Spain by pretending to be Christians. The Phoenicians running Christian Spain were already expert actors/pretenders themselves, and had no appetite for some competition. Jews who thought they could pretend to be Christians were tortured in all sorts of horrible ways, until they agreed to leave Spain for either Muslim countries (for covert wars with Muslim rulers), or for new Spanish colonial outposts in the New World (for wars with the indigenous populations). The latter was definitely not a glamorous option. As those settling the New World had to deal with a complete lack of infrastructure, hunger, warfare and disease on a daily basis, in addition to the dangerous ship journey. This is how the maternal ancestors of the man-faced Frida Kahlo[13]I think she was hyped up to draw attention away from another genuine Mexican painter, who has been forgotten. She also used her paintings to promote Communism. She even dated Trotsky. ended up in Mexico. In her paintings, she is not describing her own mental torture. She is describing the torture of her Sephardic ancestors at the hands of the Inquisition, and that did really happen (Ow ow ow).
In the same year the last Muslim State in Spain fell, the new Catholic Spain claimed to have just discovered the New World. In reality, new naval technologies had made crossing the Atlantic from Europe finally feasible. Many people had already begun doing it. And Spain was chosen for the fake “discovery” of the New World so that they would have an undisputed claim to it.

Now look at the Spanish Empire at its zenith in 1920. Compare it this map of earlier map of the “Phoenician colonization project” being currently sold as “indigenous cultures.”

Simplified map of subsistence methods in the Americas at 1000 BC. Orange indicates complex, advanced societies. Note that these are found on the Pacific coast, where the Phoenicians originally landed.
That is quite an overlap. Its not as if the “Spanish” came waltzing into these regions of South America and the Caribbean. They had already been there for ages. They were the Olmecs and the Incas. But with Muslims disrupting their supply lines, the “civilizations” they had created ended up falling to natives of the region. Which is why the Spanish showed no hesitation in exterminating them and reclaiming the region in the name of a brutish variation of Catholic Christianity. It is estimated that during the initial Spanish conquest of the Americas, up to eight million indigenous people died, primarily through the spread of Eurasian diseases, wars, and atrocities. The population of Indigenous Americans is estimated to have decreased from approximately 145 million to around 7-15 million between the late 15th and late 17th centuries, representing a decline of around 90-95%. This serves as a stark reminder of what the Phoenicians are capable of when they start reclaiming Phoenicia in the Middle East.
Present-day Israel as a “Reverse-Engineering of Judaism” Project

On 3rd July 1933, 125,000 people gathered in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history. The event was called The Romance of a People, featuring 6,000 actors, singers, and dancers. The elaborate pageant was showcased at the 1933 World’s Fair and marked 100 years of Jewish history in Chicago. Oddly enough, the event also featured Molech, a Phoenician deity to which the Phoenicians made child sacrifices in earlier times. Was this a Phoenician inside joke?
Moving on to present-day Israel, all that remains of genuine Orthodox Jews today are probably the Hassidic community, which rejected Zionism, and instead prospered in the safety and security of USA. But I have been told their next generation has been fully co-opted into the Zionist project.
When Zionism began, the public focus was to create a quasi-religious state. But in reality, the Phoenicians did not want to make things too Orthodox. In one case, a ship full of Jews was deemed too Orthodox and too uppity to settle, and was blown up in Haifa harbor! In another case, Yemenite children deemed too Orthodox were given doses of “radiation.” What the Phoenicians were looking for was “filler,” people who did as told and were satisfied with the status quo. They found this ingredient in the secular Jews who were happy to escape the conditions of Europe in World War II and were too shell-shocked and traumatized to consider otherwise. That generation is no longer around. So the Phoenicians got creative and found “filler” from other sources.
For example, there were rumors that many Jews who later migrated from the Soviet Union were actually poor Russian plebs, happy to escape the drudgery of Communist Russia but still open to taking orders from the KGB. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, many Jewish-origin/Jewish identifying people who were entrusted to run gulags with high security clearances became jobless, and headed to Israel. Again, bottom-of-barrell pick, not ideal citizenry. To make more Jews migrate to Israel, migration was heavily promoted among Western Jews. And this does attract the type who would be happy to move into the homes and farms of Palestinian families in the Occupied Territories, while being able to mentally black out the check-posts at every little distance, the missile sirens, and other grim reminders of their perilous existence. This would be the modern equivalent of white people moving to Rhodesia to live out some kind of colonial fantasy (some did). In the case of Israel, there is less appeal to living out Jewish religion (even gays are welcome, and Jerusalem even has its own Pride Parade) and more of an appeal to racism common race/ethnicity/culture/language dynamics.

Location of gulags across the former Soviet Union. The operation of gulags could never be entrusted to local populations, as they could spill the beans.
Some people stuck in third world countries have become creative and have allegedly acquired Israeli passports, which would be stupid given the mandatory military service, but this does make sense if you want visa-free entry to 171 countries. The scam works something like this:
- If your mother is dead, look up local crypto Jewish groups in your region and claim that she was one of them. Make up some nice family trees.
- If your mother is still alive, claim that you converted to Judaism.
- Approach Israeli authorities saying you want to permanently settle in Israel yada yada.
- Enroll in some actual courses for Jews rediscovering Judaism.
- They will pay a visit to your home to verify things. Its better if you live alone.
The scam allegedly works better depending on how fairer your skin is and how European sounding your name is. Blacks are suggested not to even think about it. Even legit Black-Ethiopian Jews face Jim Crow levels of segregation in Israel. Sometimes they are publicly spat at, and it seems nobody wants them near the pool. Muslims/Ex-Muslims are also not welcome and will be treated with suspicion (Although some Semitic-looking Lebanese are reporting success). Indians note that opportunities are aplenty as there are many crypto-Jewish communities in India.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak secretly visiting Jeffrey Epstein’s New York residence, where children got raped.

All he has to do is press a button on the Wailing Wall for Redemption!
Palestine would never have been an issue had Israel fulfilled its obligations as a civilized state. If Israel really had practicality in mind, it would happily retain Palestinians as Israeli citizens and tax them. Instead of chasing them away or forcing them to seek a separate state. There will not be a Palestinian State, and this is just some tomfoolery intended to delay and confuse Gulf Countries who are seeking a solution. Instead, we will see Israel try its best to expand in as many directions as possible, spreading war and genocide everywhere. The Phoenicians know that Israel is not sustainable. Unlike real countries which take their economic sustainability seriously, Israel depends on a permanent umbilical cord of support connected to the American taxpayer. A real country would not antagonize its own minorities because it makes no economic sense. Neither would a real country make permanent war with its neighbors. The idea is to see how far Israelis can be pushed into conquering surrounding territory. Never mind the fact that they lack the foresight, resources or the ability to govern such acquired territory, let alone Gaza. But again, Israel is only for the conquering. The UN or some other entity will do the Governance later on.

Donkified “Turks”
I have discussed the Protocols of Zion elsewhere. In my opinion, the Phoenicians deliberately leaked a document from their very own secret libraries, but edited it to attribute it to Jewish commoners. The object was to stir up racism in Europe, where Jews had comfortably settled and assimilated. Without this, there could be no Zionism, and by extension, no Israel.

One of the curious features of the Protocols of Zion was a map, showing areas encircled by a snake. It is very difficult to find this map in currently archived copies. Here it is on the right.
Istanbul/Constantinople is shown as the last stage of the Snake’s course before it reaches Jerusalem(?). Bear in mind that the Protocols (and this map) was published years before the fall of the Ottoman Empire following World War I.
But wait a minute. Does that mean that Turkey had already fallen prior to the creation of Israel? That is completely at odds with Erdogan’s PR of Turkey re-emerging as a neo-Ottoman Empire, isn’t it?
Going back to the map…..Istanbul/Constantinople is not even remotely a Jewish holy site. So why would the Zionists be so intent on conquering it? And what’s with the snake slithering through Greece, Italy, Spain, Britain, France, Germany and Russia? Are those also Jewish holy sites? Were those also conquered by everyday Jews prior to the creation of Israel? The obsession with Istanbul/Constantinople is not a Jewish one. It is a Phoenician one. They had originally captured it from the Hittites.
Look closely. The snake does not start at Jerusalem. It starts a little up North in Tyre. The Phoenicians had to abandon Tyre for Europe because of Muslims. They also had to briefly abandon Spain. Later, they had to abandon all of Anatolia including Istanbul/Constantinople. They built up the European Empires (in particular the British and the Russian Empires) as a comeback, and Istanbul/Constantinople fell to the Phoenicians not in 1914, but in 1512!
The Phoenicians had taken over the Ottoman Empire through a palace coup in 1512. The Phoenicians then used Ottoman Turkey to combat and destroy more legit Turkic and Circassian groups, such as the Mamluks and the Turkic tribes of Anatolia dating to the Seljuks, and later, other groups such as the Armenians. The Ottoman Empire would be formally wrapped up in a controlled demolition following World War I because the average Muslim citizenry would never otherwise accept that it just vanished into thin air.
Following the destruction of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, there were plans to immediately return Constantinople/Istanbul to the Komnenos, a Phoenician family which had ruled it since ancient times. But this had to be put on hold, because it became evident that the Kurds would exploit the political vacuum to establish themselves. Therefore Mustafa Kemal was tasked to create a Donkified version of Turkey, whose sole purpose was to oppose the Kurds. Present-day Turkey continues this task, but with an Islamist makeover. Few have noticed that the transition is very odd. Just prior to Erdogan, Turkey was cracking down on all things Islamic on a level seen in Communist States. Now, Turkey is draping itself as a neo-Ottoman power, while secretly shipping oil and weapons to Israel on one hand, and trying to destroy the Syrian Kurds in Rojava on the other hand, using drones consisting of American, Canadian, British, French and Austrian components.

Also notice on the map that after the conquest of Istanbul, the snake’s head finally reaches Tyre where it started out from, not exactly Jerusalem. The Phoenicians want to return to Tyre, not Jerusalem.
The map in question was too revealing. So later editors have replaced it with this map, which can be found in a current Iranian edition of the Protocols.

As you can see, it corresponds more closely with Greater Israel. Gone are the references to a secret conquest of Europe and Turkey, which would have raised questions in many inquiring minds.
Donkified Arabs
Of all Arab States, none can surpass the tragedies of Baathist Iraq (Saddam Hussein) and Baathist Syria (the Assad family). It is actually frightening to know that some Sunni Arabs genuinely pled allegiance to these Phoenician monstrosities, which probably killed more Muslims than the State of Israel has (going strictly by body count).
When Muslim populations are Donkified, they usually fall back on racism and nationalism, which are appealing to losers who find it easier to identify with whatever race/region/ethnicity they were born into (and people never have a choice in these matters). Islam cannot coexist with such a mindset. So in the case of Donkified Arabs, they deliberately reduce Islam either to an inexplicable enigma, or to a cultural artifact. In some cases, they pretend that they are post-Muslim know-it-alls, or that Islam is babyish to them. Like many non-Muslims, the main focus of their lives is usually about reducing all human existence to mean-spirited, hyper-wordly business transactions. Many of these Muslims happily migrate and settle in Western countries. I have dealt with many of them, and I wouldn’t trust them to run a lemonade stand. The fact that many such people have no interest in returning to to their countries of origin is actually good riddance for the Middle East.
I will specifically focus on Baathist Syria (1963-2024) here, because it disappearing down the memory hole faster than the Twin Towers on 9/11.
The Case of Baathist Syria
Modern Syria was created by the Phoenicians with the role of playing fake opposition to the Zionists. The nation is host to many ancient Phoenician sites, and holds a very special place for them. Phoenicians gained full political control of Syria through the Baath Party, which was the creation of “Christian” intellectuals based in Lebanon (read: Phoenicia). This Communist party would destroy the traditional landowners of Syria. The Syrian Baath Party had a big affinity to Alawites, a secretive minority based on the coast just above Lebanon. Ismailis were also their friends. You know where this is going.

With Covid vaccines estimated to have killed 13 million people worldwide, its time to take a second look at some of the public faces associated with this nightmare. Such as the literal public face of the entire project, Albert Bourla, the head of Pfizer. Another person closely linked to Albert Bourla is Ugur Sahin, and his wife (pictured above). He is being sold as Turkish-Muslim. He was born in Iskenderun, north of Phoenicia. One little detail that stands out is the fact that he is an Alevi Muslim. Closely related to the Alevis are the Alawites. In fact, Ugur Sahin’s hometown in Turkey is an Alawite stronghold.
After World War II, many Phoenicians running the Nazi war machine had to be rehabilitated elsewhere. We are told that many ended up in faraway South America. The reality is that many were sent to manage Baathist Syria and Baathist Iraq. There was an organization of German Intelligence that was managing these nations. It was called Gehlen. And in a perfect world, the citizenry of Syria and Iraq should be eligible for reparations from Germany for everything that took place during Baathist rule.

The Nazi connection to Baathist Syria and Iraq is so obvious that we even see surplus Nazi tanks being openly shipped from Germany to Baathist Syria after World War II. If we look at the chemicals and gases used by Syria and Iraq on Kurds and other groups which opposed them, we find the fingerprints of Germany, USA and UK all over the place.
When the Baath Party seized power in 1963, a Mossad spy named Eli Cohen, embedded in the highest ranks of the Syrian government, began nosing around, and discovered that a former Nazi captain and a war criminal named Alois Brunner was running Syrian Intelligence.[14]Brunner had arrived in Syria just as the Baath Party was making its bid for power. He was once Eichmann’s right hand man. As soon as Eli Cohen relayed his findings to Tel Aviv, a phone call was made to the Baathists, and they promptly hanged Eli Cohen. Similarly, Jonathan Pollard is believed to have peeped into some American satellite imagery and saw an American firm making chemical weapons in Baathist Iraq. He assumed the weapons were going to be used on Israel and freaked out. And he thus had to be detained before word got out. The weapons in question were used on the Kurds. And no, they were never found, following the Second Gulf War, as that would incriminate the entire American military industrial complex.

SS-Hauptsturmführer Alois Brunner was running Syria since 1963. We are told that he died in Syria in 2010. It is more likely that he relocated back to Germany and recieved a formal pension from German Intelligence in his last years. The Intelligence Operations and Internal Genocides of both Baathist Syria and Baathist Iraq were managed by German-Phoenicians, directly connected to German Intelligence. We see the same phenomenon even in the Circassian and Armenian Genocides.

US President Richard Nixon and his wife in Damascus in 1974 with Hafez al-Assad and his family. Interestingly, his wife was named Anisa Makhlouf. This is a surname found among Lebanese, Tunisian and Israeli elites. There was even a prominent Ottoman rabbi with that surname. He named his son Selim (after Selim I?) Aryeh Makhlouf Deri is an Israeli politician who served as the Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and Minister of the Interior and Periphery under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from December 2022 to January 2023.

Moroccan born Makhlouf Eldaoudi the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish communities of Acre, Haifa, Safed and Tiberias (1889–1909) which were then under Ottoman rule.

Mustafa Kemal, a secret descendant of Sabbatai Zevi, also bears the same mousey look.
In 1982, the Syrian Baathists/Gehlen conducted a full-scale genocide of Sunni Muslims at Hama. It is estimated that around 50,000 civilians were killed. Two thirds of the city was destroyed.[15]The Baathists on occasion, also attacked Christians. The Baathists sought to replace the Sunni majority with Shiites. 40+ Shiite militias later fought for Bashar al-Assad. He also deployed 51,000+ fighters from various non-Sunni groups. 700,000+ foreign Shiites were rumored to have been granted citizenship, and were said to be living in the stolen homes of displaced Sunni families.

Graffiti done by Baathists at Hama in 1982. It reads “No God except for the Homeland and no Prophet other than Ba’ath.”

Not content with a monstrously repressive rule comparable to that of Stalin, the Baathists[16]During the civil war, the Chief Twitter propagandist for the Baathists was later revealed to have Australian citizenship! initially encouraged the Arab Spring in Syria so that they could move on their Sunni Muslim and Kurd enemies using full military might and even chemical weapons! Several cities and neighborhoods of Damascus would be completely leveled. People have been caught on video being buried alive. [17]As expected, Israel watched on rather than exploit the situation to “liberate” Syria from the Baathists. Chemical weapons were used at numerous occasions, at Khan Shaykhun, Ghouta and Houla. But once the “Civil War” started, the Baathists started losing ground to rebels and Kurds. And so, Russia had to be called in to do air strikes whenever and wherever necessary,[18]Russian air support was used to destroy several rebel cities in Syria. and Iran’s Hizbollah had to be called in to deal with the rebels on the ground. ISIL was created to exclusively deal with the Kurds. On a diplomatic level, Qatar was closely allied with the Baathists. Around 600,000 people perished in the Syrian civil war. 6.6 million fled the country, and another 6.7 million became internally displaced. Despite the chaos across Syria, the city of Idlib became free of Baathist control, and this is where legit rebel groups later emerged from.

“Together We Will Rebuild Her” – Ironic poster hung up in Homs, Syria, soon after it was destroyed by the Baathists in 2014
Following Israel’s invasion of Gaza and an expected war with Lebanon, Hizbollah had to be diverted from Syria to Lebanon to play false opposition. This gave some rebel groups (aided with Ukrainian drones) an unprecedented opportunity to take Aleppo in December 2024. In a matter of days, all of Baathist Syria fell to the rebels.
Given the fact that Baathist Syria was little more than a Potemkin village, Israel could have conquered it many years ago, or maybe even liberated it from the Baathists. Strangely, the Israelis showed up for conquest on Syrian borders only after the rebels took Damascus. And they also started bombing and destroying all military hardware that could have fallen into the hands of the new rebel government, such as parked ships, ammunition depots, parked aircraft etc. It is assumed that Israel destroyed 80% of Syria’s military capability. In other words, a non-Phoenician Syria could not be allowed to have a military.
While the Phoenicians were aware of the rebels marching on Damascus, they wanted their own rebel faction to conquer Damascus. This was necessary because Gehlen had built a massive prison called Sednaya just North of Damascus in 1981.[19]The prison features a three-spoke construction reminiscent of the Panopticon the British made in the Andamans. This is clearly not the work of some desert Bedouins. And the full extent of what took place here had to be covered up. But it so happened that a legit group of rebels marched into the prison, freeing thousands of prisoners, including women and children. And it seems that the Baathists did not have enough time to cover things up and kill all the prisoners. They did however, sabotage ventilation systems of underground cells, and lock all doors, hoping that the occupants would die of starvation. It is estimated that 1,50,000 people had been detained by the Baathists (including children) in Sednaya, and 1,00,000 had ended up being killed. An execution book found by the rebels at Sednaya prison itself showed records of 29,000 deaths. Around this time,

- Israel started marching in the direction of Damascus, hoping to divert the attention and focus of the rebels from the prison. There is evidence that Israel did not want Assad to be removed from power. Israel would eventually capture Mount Hermon, which holds special significance to the Phoenicians.[20]Israel’s obsession with the Golan Heights may also be related to an ancient mystery structure referred to as Rujm el-Hiri. A similar, but more massive structure known as Gobekli Tepe was desperately covered up in Turkey. Later, a massive underground Iranian/Hizbollah facility for launching ballistic rockets was discovered in the Qalamoun mountains of Syria. This facility was big enough for military trucks to drive into. I recall seeing video on twitter but the account that posted it was soon nuked. Given that Iran/Hizbollah was fake opposition, was Israel trying to prevent the discovery of this facility?
- Israel would bomb and destroy Masyaf Scientific Complex, where the Baathists made chemical weapons for use on Kurds and other opponents. Were the Israelis destroying evidence? Later, the HTS rebel leader issued a cryptic statement saying that he was working with international agencies to “secure” chemical weapons. Many Syrian “scientists” associated with such projects are being mysteriously murdered.
- The BBC repeatedly started issuing news briefs saying that all prisoners had been free and that the prison had no secret levels. To the contrary, the CCTV feed the rebels stumbled upon showed many prison cells teeming with prisoners (the actual location of the cells was not found).
- Drones started showing up in American cities to divert attention away from the prison. No foreign specialists showed up in Syria to help open the digitally locked doors.
- Assad and the Russians actually begged the Kurds (SDF) for help! They didn’t respond.
- Most Baathist officials fled to Lebanon. Assad fled to Russia with around $135 billion. His wife is feigning illness and will soon fake her death (and so will Assad).
- A huge, fully finished, tunnel complex was discovered under the residence of Bashar al-Assad’s brother Maher’s residence.
- More secret prisons were found in Government Buildings. Mass graves were also found.
- More mass graves have been discovered in Aleppo. Students attending Aleppo University sometimes claimed to hear screams from the secret, underground prisons below. These were attributed to ghosts.
- A mass grave found near Damascus (Al-Qutayfah) is said to be holding 100,000 bodies. Discarded ID cards and passports of many victims have also been found. Passports/IDs belonging to Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Palestinian, Lebanese and even Qatari nationals have been found near the mass graves, indicating that these countries were outsourcing murders of their own citizens to Syria.
- A refrigerator was found containing several bags containing bones and skulls, with only the names of cities written on them, and it is not known who these were.
- The Assad family was found to be mass producing and exporting Captagon, an addictive narcotic. A conservative estimate of the production is around US$4.5 billion!
- Documentation and Files in Intelligence buildings were set on fire long after the regime fell.
- There were vats of acid in Sednaya prison where bodies were dissolved.
- There are indications of the harvesting of organs of prisoners.
- There was a hydraulic press in Sednaya prison used to compact dead bodies for disposal.
- A certain American celebrity who is now associated with Pizzagate, and who had a picture of Epstein’s island on her television set also had an “Earthquake Relief” charity operating in Syria. Rumor has it that she was organizing trips to Syrian prisons for Western VIPs.
- Human bones were found in street garbage in the Damascus neighborhood of Tadamon.
- Some prison graffiti referred to Chechen names. Chechens are closely related to the Circassians, who like the Kurds, are a targeted group.
- An entire database of people blacklisted by the Baath party was found. If Syrians abroad (including Syrians with other citizenships) on this list tried to renew their Syrian passports, they were asked to come to Syria, where they would disappear.
- A huge secret underground archive library belonging to the Baathists was discovered, containing files, documents, and reports of informants, from 1980 onwards. It seems they were also spying on their own informants. Access has been sealed and only authorized people are allowed in.
- A first lieutenant in the Syrian Air Force Intelligence, notorious for his activities in Homs, Salama Mohammad Salama, tried to pretend to be a detainee who got released by the rebels. Strangely enough, CNN’s Clarissa Ward showed up to cover this odd “release.” Skeptics were quick to point out that he looked too healthy and manicured to be a detainee.
- One inscription in a prison wall says that the prisoner was brought in by the Red Cross! The Syrian Red Crescent was being operated by a supporter of Bashar al-Assad, although its international donors never knew. Khaled Hboubati transformed the headquarters of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent into facilities for torture, repression, and forced detention. Similarly, UN Earthquake aid was also being channelled to the Baathists.
- Western countries are avoiding the lifting of sanctions on Syria, as they don’t want to empower the rebels.
Instead of rounding up all Baathist supporters and sending them to Germany, they are being rehabilitated in the new government. Mysterious fires are destroying the paper records of officials of the old regime. A Genocide that may dwarf the numbers of the Holocaust was uncovered in Syria, yet the only thing preoccupying the American mind was “drone sightings.”
The question remains, what is to be done with all the Baathist supporters (including some of the Sunnis). Ultimately, the responsibility falls on Germany. If the Phoenicians don’t want them killed in reprisals, maybe they could fly all of them to Germany. Maybe they could even create a suburb in Berlin for them. Maybe they could call it Assadberg. Maybe the Germans could also help dispose the chemical weapons. I hear they are experts in that stuff.

Dr. Rania Abbasi, her husband and their 6 children are still missing following their arrest by Baathists! Countless children were trafficked through “orphanages” while their immediate families would be told that they had died. A website has been started by families of Syrians who have “disappeared.”

Mazen al-Hamada was imprisoned and tortured for more than a year and a half for participating in anti-government protests in the context of the Arab Spring in 2011. At the beginning of 2013, he was ill and taken to Syrian Military hospital 601, nicknamed by other detainees as a “slaughterhouse”. In transit to the hospital, Hamada was physically assaulted. He was told to forget his name, and was assigned the number “1858”. He suffered physical, mental, and sexual abuse, and sustained permanent physical and psychological injuries from his detention in regime prisons, including genital injuries that made having children impossible. There he saw detainees tortured to death, corpses piling up in the toilets and hospital staff beating patients to death. After being exiled from Syria, he became an asylum seeker in the Netherlands where he publicly testified to the abuse he suffered. But it soon became obvious that Dutch authorities were in cahoots with the Baathists. In a video published before he left for Syria, Hamada accused the Dutch government of pressuring him to leave by cutting off his financial benefits. Would Hamada really go against commonsense and return to Syria? The Syrian Revolution Network Page on Facebook claimed that the Baathists had kidnapped him in Berlin and secretly flew him to Syria. This would not have been possible without the involvement of German Intelligence. Soon after, suspicious voice recordings of Hamada began to be broadcast, full of venomous condemnation of the Kurds. His tortured and mangled body was found on 9th December 2024, after rebels took control of Sednaya Prison during the fall of Damascus. Hamada is believed to have been executed a few days prior. He could not be allowed to live, as he would reveal the role of German Intelligence in his kidnapping in Berlin.

Ragheed Ahmad al-Tatari, a former military aviator from Syria, was arrested by Syrian intelligence in 1981, following his refusal to participate in the bombing of Hama. 43 years later, when Sednaya Prison fell to rebels on December 8, 2024, a frail Ragheed Ahmad al-Tatari hobbled out, and became an instant celebrity.

Razan Zaitouneh is a Syrian human rights lawyer and civil society activist. She was kidnapped on 9th December 2013, by Baathist moles within an Islamist rebel group known as Jaysh al-Islam. When the leader of Jaysh al-Islam Zahran Alloush learnt about the abduction, he tried to negotiate an agreement to free her and three other abductees. But Zahran Alloush was instantly killed in a Russian airstrike. Her fate (as well as the fate of three of her colleagues) remains unknown.
Eventually, he [a friendly prison guard] came to my cell at 3:00 or 3:20 AM. I had no watch obviously, but i asked about the time. He said, “Come with me, but don’t make a sound.” We all but sneaked into a cell 40 meters away. The guard and I. He opened the door and said: “Go inside that cell, and tell that boy a story. You are a cultured man. Tell him a story.” When I entered the cell, I saw there was a woman inside. She was maybe 26 or 27 years old. She curled up into a ball when she saw me enter. She was so scared. She had every right to be scared. She had bitter experiences with them [the guards]. She was pregnant when they arrested her, and gave birth inside that cell. I saw a child. Four or five years old. He was dark, cute, small. His face was swollen. Maybe because he had never seen the sun. I said hello to her. She didn’t answer. She was too afraid. So I said “My daughter…” She actually resembled my daughter. Shaza was the same age. I told her “I have been asked to tell your son a story. What should I tell him?” She stammered a bit. Got embarrassed, and in the end, didn’t really answer me. So I sat down and started to tell him, “There was this bird….” And the boy asked “What’s a bird?” I…. I was telling a story to a boy and it never even occurred to me that he wouldn’t know what these words meant. Words like bird, mouse, river, the sun, butterfly. I thought these were the kinds of words I could use with him….and so he asked me “What’s a bird?” How could I explain to him what a bird is? Anyway, I started saying “The bird was flying above a tree.” And he asked me “What’s a tree?” I began to sense the trouble. I started to understand what this guard was talking about. I don’t want to say his name, because he might still be in the Security Forces. He said “Aren’t you educated? Can’t you tell him a story? He was daring me to tell him a story. And here I was having no idea how to do that. So I began to sing him a song. That’s how absurd it was. So I sung Rima al-Hamdana and then Mama-her time’s a comin. Simple nursery songs like that. After a bit, i knocked on the cell door. My eyes were filled with tears. The mother was still sitting on the side. Still anxious and afraid. I knocked on the door. And after a moment, the guard returned. I told him “Get me out of here, for God’s sake. I am going to suffocate.” He asked “Have you told him a story or not?” I told him “What kind of story can I tell him?” I asked him “Has this boy ever stepped out of his cell?” The guard told me “No. never.” He doesn’t know what a bird is. Or a ball, a tree, the sun, the wind. He doesn’t know anything. Then I asked the guard about the boy’s mother. He told me “She was jailed as a hostage after her father fled to Amman. She was pregnant at that time, and as you can see, she gave birth here in prison.”
Syrian-Christian leader Michel Kilo recounting his three-year sentence (2006-2009) in a Syrian prison, after moving to France. Riad al-Turk was also imprisoned in the same prison.
Has Saddam freed us?
Baffled, decades-old prisoners of Sednaya Prison on December 8, 2024. They had no access to the outside world for decades.
For 14 years, the UN failed to get the Assad regime to release a single prisoner, return a single refugee, or agree to even minimal reforms. Now, it seeks to burden Syrians with outdated, rigid resolutions.
Rebel-leader Al-Sharaa, expressing bewilderment at the fact that the UN and Western nations are suddenly interested in the rights of women and minorities in Syria.
Donkified Iranians
Modern Iran is no longer run by Iranians (They lost control following the fall of the Qajars). And actual Iranians are not religious or concerned with the affairs of the Middle East. Realizing the danger of letting Saudi Arabia monopolize the jihad anti-Israel sentiment, the then completely Westernized, Shiite nation of Iran got a an “Islamic” makeover in 1979, so that it could be used to play false opposition to Israel (and in the process, undermine both Sunnis and Kurds). To the advantage of these revolutionaries, the Pahlavis were already facing a serious threat of revolution from a leftist-Islamist group that has long been forgotten. Interestingly enough, a leader of this group went missing in Baathist Iraq, indicating that Baathist Iraq was secretly supporting arch-enemy Iran. The religious figures and certain Phoenician families in Isfahan simply stepped into the shoes of this group/movement. This has already been covered and there is no need for further digression.
Donkified Americans (Late to the party but right on time)

One of the most redeeming aspect of American culture was their inability to get actively conned into overseas Phoenician military projects. They always seemed to know where to draw the line. After all, USA began as an opt-out from the Phoenician project known as the British Empire.[21]British commoners on the other hand, were more than happy to play their part as colonial underlords. Originally, USA pursued a policy of isolationism. They simply did not want to get involved in the affairs and conflicts of other nations, a rather unique policy, considering the fact that all major European powers at that time had created Maritime Empires by bullying less technologically developed societies. USA would slowly change with the creation of Intelligence Agencies. Phoenicians would operate these Agencies on a global level, and most Americans would be clueless about what they were doing. Even when the Phoenicians started the two World Wars, they were able to get European countries (and even Australia and Canada) mobilized within days. European societies had always been obedient chattel, and still are. On the other hand, getting America involved in these wars required large-scale theatrical productions, such as the sinking of the Lusitania, and later, Pearl Harbor.
In other words, present-day American society is the product of more than 200 years of Phoenician reverse -engineering. Present-day Americans are a completely different species than their predecessors, which is why bad things that usually happened to other Donkified societies will happen to them. Some would even say that the Baby-boomer generation were the last Americans, after which they went extinct.
I won’t even waste time and space on other European nations (or even Australia, New Zealand and Canada), as these societies are Donkified to the point of no return. To give you a recent example, the theatrical production of 9/11 was specifically for an American audience. The Phoenicians did not have to repeat 9/11s in European societies (or even Australia, New Zealand and Canada) because their citizenry instinctively understand their role as slaves and colonial underlords, and would trudge along into any war the Phoenicians cooked up.
We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.
William Casey (CIA Director, 1981)

The 1963 movie The Birds produced by Alfred Hitchcock is an allegory to the gradual transformation of USA, from a peaceful nation, to one that attacks without provocation. Birds start attacking the characters in the movie. Soon enough, “the birds” are attacking everyone and everything, from schools to gas stations (allegory to the Gulf countries). Yet no body seems to understand why they are attacking or what they want. The movie makes no sense from the perspective of a sensible plot that would appeal to audiences, and normally, such a plot-line would never be awarded any consideration. But we do know that Hitchcock pushed through because all of his movies were allegories, approved by higher ups. It was for their entertainment.

In 1956 Israel, UK and France invaded Egypt and tried to take control of the Suez Canal. They backed out after Saudi Arabia started pressuring the United States. Despite its support for Israel, USA was missing from this coalition, and actually helped restore peace. In other words, the American public of that era was completely different from present-day Americans, who can be nudged into endorsing anything.
Supporting Israel has nothing in common with American interests[22]Although establishment historians try to pretend that US military support for Israel after World War II was due to the “Cold War.” Did USA openly support Apartheid South Africa? Did they support Rhodesia? Did they support the Confederates back home? To the contrary, “American values” would call for gun rights to be extended to each and every Palestinian.
In June 2024, Conspiracy Theorist Miles Mathis discovered something interesting. Israel was supposed to be in the trenches, fighting Hamas on all fronts. Yet,
Today we got more easy proof of that [a fake war], as it was reported that Israeli arms exports set a record high for the third year in row, rising sharply since 2018. Israel sold $13.1 billion in arms in 2023, double what it sold five years ago. 70% of these weapons come from the US.
Coincidentally, Germany is BFF with both Iran and Turkey. That’s how these false opponents of Israel skip US arms export sanctions. What a trick! And that’s how Turkish drones are being found to be loaded with American components.

When Israel is compared to Apartheid South Africa, Rhodesia or to Jim Crow South, even these societies were way more humane towards locals than Israel. Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia did not let local blacks enter specific areas of cities built by white settlers. They normally did not try to uproot local blacks from pre-existing towns and areas populated by blacks. As much as they oppressed and discriminated against local blacks, they did not chase them into bordering countries, turning them into refugees. They did not make any Biblical-era claims to the lands and resources of local blacks. Even in the Confederate South, blacks (who were immigrants) and natives (who were locals) were oppressed and discriminated. But even the Confederates never tried to formally genocide the natives, or chase them out of their lands. Neither did they make outrageous claims such that the native “Indians” were non-locals, who were now the responsibility of India.
The Reverse-Engineering of Christianity
So how on earth was support for Israel sold to Americans? Through lots of propaganda. And through the same vehicle the crusades were sold to earlier Europeans…..through Christianity. Or to be precise, by reverse-engineering Christianity on an epic scale. Earlier, we came across Maimonides reverse-engineering Judaism so that Jews could claim “Kingdom” in the Middle East, without a Messiah. Now, big, fat, couch-surfing Americans are also formally invited to claim “Kingdom” in the Middle East, without a Messiah.
But wait a minute. Don’t Christians some Christians regard Jews as the murderers of their lord/god/Messiah? And don’t Israelis regard Christians as pagans (as evidenced by their destruction of churches, desecration of crosses, desecration of Christian holy sites in Israel, destruction of Christian populations [23]Haifa experienced a mysterious 85% reduction of its Christian population between 1947 and 1949, which saw increased Israeli settlement. Today they do light up Christmas trees in Haifa but avoid talking about what happened in those years. and the tendency of certain Israelis to spit on Palestinian Christians)? We are supposed to disregard all of that, given the minuscule attention span of the average American.
Instead we got Televangelists, Rapture Cults, and all sorts of Christian groups claiming that a Messiah is coming in the Middle East, following which there will be a “Kingdom,” a heaven-on-earth, a final solution solution to all their existential woes.[24]In contrast, Islam makes it clear that there can be no “Heaven on Earth” because then there would be no point of Heaven. But the “Heaven on Earth” dogma resonates with those who are doubtful about Afterlife. But first, waaaaar! Even fringe groups such as the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Mormons have a “Heaven on Earth” (read:Greater Phoenicia) concept preprogrammed into their dogmas. And this was done more than a century ago.
And getting public sanction for war (with mandatory conscription) would require the destruction of the Liberals not just in USA, but in all Western countries. Remember that genuine Liberals have always been the only coherent opposition to war. Now Liberal groups have been infiltrated, and are being used to literally troll Western citizenry, by doing all sorts of illogical and undesirable things. Such as mandating deadly vaccines, inserting dudes into female washrooms, promoting pedophilia, having children undergo genital mutilation under the name of gender identity, and worse of all, illegal immigration.
Illegal immigration is by design, as it is intended to tap into reservoirs of racism and xenophobia of Western citizenry. The Phoenicians know that Donkified people place overwhelming emphasis on their little, compartmentalized existence. And all you have to do is shake that up to rile them up. In USA, this was easy because USA shares a long, unsecured border with a poor country (Mexico). Canada did not have such a geographical opportunity. So Canadian Liberals under Trudeau created an air-bridge, flying in entire villages of poor Indians as “students.” Those from the Punjab are expected to be conscripted into the Armed Forces, and may soon head to Greater Phoenicia like some of their ancestors did in British India. The rest will be pooh-poohed at, and legitimate questions will be raised about deporting them. The deportations in USA, Canada and Europe will be done by Conservative Governments. But here’s the catch: The same Conservative Governments will also mandate conscription for fighting for Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel.
Only a Messiah-like figure would be able to lead USA and the West into permanent war in the Middle East. But not so fast. Before he does so, he has to establish his credentials as someone genuine, someone capable of playing judge.

Donald Trump is the only President in the entire history of the United States to have been given a national-level opportunity to create a carefully curated image as a legit problem-solver, even before getting elected.

He has to gain some degree of public trust, by seemingly draining the swamp, and undoing some of the more blatant Phoenician grifts on American society. He may even (temporarily) establish peace in the Middle East. It’s only when the so-called Abraham Accord fails that war will come. Initially, war will be sold as just a temporary, emergency measure. Then the years will turn into decades as they always do.
Do you understand the proposition? Unless you are willing to fight and die for Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel, your nation will be swamped by hordes of illegal migrants, crazy, gender-bending “wokeness” and inflation. But if you support Conservative Governments, not only will they take care of the immigration issue, Trump is even tantalizing Americans with abolishing the Income tax Act! (for the first time in history), stopping the fluoridation of water, prosecuting Fauci, and even stopping the spraying of the atmosphere with Chemtrails! Isn’t that so generous of them? They will also superficially Christianize USA. Of course, they won’t ban Freemasonry or usury though. It will be more like an intense candy-coating.

In her book, Forcing God’s Hand: Why Millions Pray for a Quick Rapture and the Destruction of Planet Earth, Grace Halsell explores the danger of a new religious doctrine sweeping America. Forcing God’s Hand explains the popularity of this End Time doctrine. A Tennessean, Cyrus Scofield, popularized the idea of a Free Rapture, a theology originally imported from England less than 200 years ago. The theology holds that Christians must look to the biblical land of the Jews for their salvation; that the land itself is more important to Christians than the message of Christ. Scofield taught that Christ was held hostage until Jews carried out a preordained plan: they were to leave their native lands, including Russia, Europe, Africa and America, and settle in Palestine. They were to eradicate, with the help of Christians, the most sacred Islamic shrine in Jerusalem, a mosque holy to a billion Muslims around the world; and once Christ returned, the Jews must convert to Christianity. His doctrine, called Dispensationalism, was encoded into the Scofield Reference Bible. Read the highlighted text again. Ancient Phoenicia is now more important for “Christians” than the message of Christianity itself!

Children are being indoctrinated using “religious novels,” such as the Left Behind Series. They are used to advance the foreign policy goals of the Religious Right, fomenting Middle East violence and promoting xenophobia.

Tatooine is a “Desert Planet” in featured in the first Star Wars film (1977). One of it’s cities boasts a lot of Islamic architecture, as well as inhabitants who dress like Arabs.

The original soundtrack of the Halo combat videogame franchise happens to sound like the Muslim call to prayer. Originally set in space, the game now features desert environments resembing the Middle East.

World War Z is a 2013 American action-horror film in which a UN investigator battles hordes of zombies. Z also happens to be the mysterious letter Russians painted on their vehicles later in 2022 when they first began invading Ukraine.

The Resident Evil film series is based entirely on battling hordes of zombies. Although they don’t make it obvious, the “hordes of zombies” trope (which is rather tasteless and makes little sense even as horror entertainment) is actually a reference to Arabs, and maybe Turks.
However, Phoenicians don’t keep their promises. And once Western nations are marched into Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel, there will be no point of return. Once Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel is achieved, the Phoenicians will literally pull the plug on Western Civilization. At that point, the only viable Civilization will be Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel. You may migrate (if you have the means), but you will have to sign the dotted line.
We already have the likes of the World Economic Forum openly calling for wrapping up of all industry and previous technological achievements associated with Western Civilization. We have people and even children succumbing to vaccine induced deaths in broad daylight, in “scientifically advanced” Western countries. We already have women in Western countries showing record infertility rates after the Covid vaccines. Europe will likely return to feudalism. North America will be turned into some kind of environmental zone, where people wont be allowed to migrate, settle in, or industrialize.

I Am Legend is a 2007 American post-apocalyptic action thriller film starring Will Smith as US Army virologist Robert Neville. The film is set in New York City after a virus, which was originally created to cure cancer, has wiped out most of mankind, leaving Neville as the last human in New York. A bridge scene in the movie was filmed for six consecutive nights in January 2006 on the Brooklyn Bridge to serve as a flashback scene in which New York’s citizens evacuate the city. Shooting the scene consumed $5 million of the film’s reported $150 million budget, which was likely the most expensive shoot in the city to date. The scene, which had to meet requirements from 14 government agencies, involved 250 crew members and 1,000 extras, including 160 National Guard members. Quite an effort to drive home some predictive programming.

If you (or your kids) live in a Western country (in particular USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and Germany) its time to consider getting alternate citizenship or moving to a non-Western country to avoid conscription. Things may start going down fast.
Remember that it is unlikely that even armed citizenry in USA will actively resist the draft. Nobody has the balls. In the case of the recent California “wildfires,” there have been numerous cases of arsonists getting caught with blowtorches, yet no one, not even the otherwise trigger-happy police, have shot them. Things are so bad that the Phoenicians themselves staged a fake shooting of a Healthcare CEO who was under investigation. The original plan was to claim that the shooter was never identified/arrested. But in an unintended turn of events, the unidentified shooter started resonating with many. Fearing that someone would get inspired to actually shoot a CEO and get away with it, the Phoenicians decided to “arrest” the shooter and detain him. Some Reddit sleuths allege that the fake shooter none other than a crisis actor from the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. The problem was that this alleged crisis actor was already “dead,” and producing him in front of the media would open a can of worms pertaining to the Boston Marathon bombing. So they have produced another snappily-dressed actor for photogenic “perp-walks” and fake courtroom appearances.
The Issue of Scope Creep
The Phoenicians are trying to undo 4500 years of human history in the Middle East, just because that part means nothing to them. In any big project, there is the issue of Scope Creep. They know that things won’t go according to plan. But with Donkified people/nations putting their lives and resources at their disposal, they can’t resist trying. Going back to Scope Creep,

- It is unlikely that Israel will manage to conquer several countries. I would be surprised if they even make it across Jordan river. They are best at terrorizing cloistered, unarmed people (and taking selfies in abandoned houses with ladies’ underwear). But the idea here is to see how far Israelis can be pushed into this undertaking (before they push back).
- It is unlikely that even Americans fully doused in propaganda would want to head to the Middle East like a bunch of lemmings. But the idea here is to see how far they can be pushed into this undertaking (before they push back).
- Russia was expected to be major player in the Middle East, as a false opposition to USA-NATO-Israel. The whole point of annexing Ukraine was to enable their swift movement down the Black Sea, so that they could assist Iran and Turkey, which lack sufficient military resources. But they are being forced to leave the Middle East after suffering calamitous reversals in Ukraine.
- Baathist Syria is no more. Sunni Arabs have made a surprising comeback.
- Kurds were allowed to have an autonomous state in Rojava only because the Phoenicians wanted to pair them into an alliance with Israel against the Baathists. This would make them the object of hate and scorn throughout the Middle East, and when the plug would be pulled on Israel, a genocide would unfold against them. But with Baathist Syria no more, Kurds in Syria now have a stronger position and are now open to an alliance with the rebel leaders. European powers are literally begging Turkey to destroy them. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock “[…….] expressed understanding for Ankara’s “legitimate” security concerns, saying “northeast Syria must not pose a threat to Turkiye”” Northeast Syria is an indirect reference to the Kurds. She is further quoted as saying “The Kurdish groups must be disarmed and integrated into the national security structure.” This same FM would try to stir controversy when the rebel leader refused to shake her hand for religious reasons. Representatives of the European Union are also clamoring for Kurdish blood.
- It is unlikely that Americans would be OK with the evisceration of their Middle Class. To the contrary, there might be attempts to restore the freedoms and prosperity of earlier times.
- Israel does not have the numbers, and the Phoenicians are worried about American and European Jews not falling in line. The Phoenicians may try to stir up racism to force them into moving into Israel. It is rumored that while the Phoenicians are promoting an aggressive increase in birth rates among Israeli settlers, the Covid-19 vaccine “take care” of groups/people that would oppose the Zionist agenda in Israel.[25]Ironically, the Israeli invasion of Gaza was briefly paused to administer “polio vaccines” to Palestinian children, and the Palestinian “leaders” were OK with that!.
- Trump is looking more and more like a buffoon/windbag, and his initial public debut as an astute judge on the set of the Apprentice is wearing off. His followers have not forgiven him for Okaying the dangerous Covid-19 vaccines. His lieutenant Elon Musk, who is simply a human face/Twitter account for a Deep State Agency, has now lost most of his credibility while swinging to the right. We are supposed to believe that the same man who pitched expensive “self-driving devices” connected to power grids and the Internet as substitutes for cars, and built them using tax credits taken from legit car manufacturers, is now all for the personal freedoms of Americans.
- According to Islamic Eschatology, the AntiChrist will be destroyed near Tel Aviv. Is that a reference to the destruction of Greater Phoenicia?
Projected Sequence of Future Events
Continuing our timeline of Key Past Events, the significance of which was hidden from history, it is possible to generate a Projected Sequence of Future Events, given the fact that the Phoenicians are operating with very specific goalposts in mind. We can come up with a Sequence of Future Events but it is not possible to project the dates, as the Phoenicians themselves have been forced to shift goalposts several times.
- “Right-wing,” openly Racist, pro-Zionist, pretend Christian leaders come to power in almost all Western countries, after several years of pretend-Liberals trolling the citizenry with illegal immigration, crazy inflation and “wokeness.”
- The Greater Israel project unfolds, with Israel invading several neighboring Arab States, with full support of Western nations.
- Turkey and Iran jointly attack Israel (Originally, the attacking party also included Russia and Baathist Syria, but both are currently out of the equation. Thanks Ukraine).
- Israel is irreparably destroyed. Of course, the crypto-Phoenician leaders and their families “escape” and are soon back in business for the subsequent events.
- Turkey proclaims a “Caliphate” in Greater Israel/Greater Phoenicia.
- USA and all Western countries go to war with Turkey and its allies.
- Turkey is defeated, Constantinople/Istanbul formally restored to the Komnenos Phoenician family. These losers still have long, tabulated lists of who gets what in Turkey.
- USA and all Western countries go to war attempting to “reclaim” Israel, despite the fact that the Israelis are no more. Immense, horrific, and genocidal fighting unfolds. This involves mandatory conscription, and the permanent relocation of populations, industries and technologies from the West to the Middle East. To make this more amenable, huge economic crises are created in Western countries, so that people don’t try to avoid conscription. They did something similar in both the World Wars.
- “Space Aliens” announce their presence in a global, atmospheric sound-and-light show. Some believe that Elon Musk’s Starlink is actually about putting this into place. Note that there are no “Space Aliens.” Just nuclear powered craft built on the stolen dime and stolen efforts of German and American taxpayers.
- At this point, all weary parties are looking up to the skies for a sign. And Voila! The UN and the “Space Aliens” agree on a partnership to bring permanent peace to Greater Phoenicia/Greater Israel.[26]An alternate theory is that the “Aliens” also pursue war against all those who refuse to be part of the New Order. However, to be a part of this new society, which is based on the reinvention and repackaging of Canaanite religions, you have to sign the dotted line. No Abrahamic religions are allowed. The “Space Aliens” also promise all sorts of cool technologies related to health, transport and energy. But again, these are nothing but earthly technologies, built on the stolen dime and stolen efforts of German and American taxpayers, which were never allowed fruition back then.
- North America and Europe recede completely into backwardness, feudalism and ignominy.
↑1 | Al Yarmouk, the largest gathering of Palestinian refugees in Syria was completely destroyed by Bashar al-Assad. |
↑2 | As well as the Lebanese. |
↑3 | Some legit Palestinian leaders such as Abdullah Azzam did manage to establish a following, but only outside Israel. He was killed by Osama Bin Laden, who didn’t want competition in Afghanistan. |
↑4 | Yet none of this oil wealth ever trickles to the luckless Russian citizenry. |
↑5 | One of the main reason the Phoenicians peddled fake nuclear weapons during the so-called Cold War was to help explain Western citizenry why the United States never bothered to openly combat the Soviet Union, and now Russia. |
↑6 | The Christians of Lebanon are referred to as Maronites, Maroon being another name for the Phoenician purple-dye |
↑7 | I am referring to the Druze, whose religion sidesteps the question of Judgement by plagiarizing the Hindu concept of rebirths. |
↑8 | Interestingly enough, a leader of this group went missing in Baathist Iraq, indicating that Baathist Iraq was secretly supporting Iran. |
↑9 | Interestingly, one the Israelis Hamas allegedly captured and killed was an activist devoted to bringing peace among Israelis and Palestinians. He would have been in Israeli crosshairs. |
↑10 | American drugs such as cocaine, nicotine and hashish have been found in mummies of Royal Egyptians, proving they had access to the New World. Some native American groups such as the Cherokee are actually a forced European conglomeration of distinct ethnic groups, some of which have Semitic ancestry and even have Levitical law ceremonies and other Jewish religious law in their traditions. Mormon religious lore talks about “Jews” who reached South America by boat around 600 BC. Elongated skulls have been found among the elite of the Incas. This was a Pharaonic tradition. |
↑11 | Averroes (1121-1198) was also a part of this project. Salman Rushdie’s surname is a tribute to him. |
↑12 | By rejecting Prophet Muhammadﷺ, Jews missed the bus for all time to come. |
↑13 | I think she was hyped up to draw attention away from another genuine Mexican painter, who has been forgotten. She also used her paintings to promote Communism. She even dated Trotsky. |
↑14 | Brunner had arrived in Syria just as the Baath Party was making its bid for power. |
↑15 | The Baathists on occasion, also attacked Christians. |
↑16 | During the civil war, the Chief Twitter propagandist for the Baathists was later revealed to have Australian citizenship! |
↑17 | As expected, Israel watched on rather than exploit the situation to “liberate” Syria from the Baathists. |
↑18 | Russian air support was used to destroy several rebel cities in Syria. |
↑19 | The prison features a three-spoke construction reminiscent of the Panopticon the British made in the Andamans. This is clearly not the work of some desert Bedouins. |
↑20 | Israel’s obsession with the Golan Heights may also be related to an ancient mystery structure referred to as Rujm el-Hiri. A similar, but more massive structure known as Gobekli Tepe was desperately covered up in Turkey. |
↑21 | British commoners on the other hand, were more than happy to play their part as colonial underlords. |
↑22 | Although establishment historians try to pretend that US military support for Israel after World War II was due to the “Cold War.” |
↑23 | Haifa experienced a mysterious 85% reduction of its Christian population between 1947 and 1949, which saw increased Israeli settlement. Today they do light up Christmas trees in Haifa but avoid talking about what happened in those years. |
↑24 | In contrast, Islam makes it clear that there can be no “Heaven on Earth” because then there would be no point of Heaven. But the “Heaven on Earth” dogma resonates with those who are doubtful about Afterlife. |
↑25 | Ironically, the Israeli invasion of Gaza was briefly paused to administer “polio vaccines” to Palestinian children, and the Palestinian “leaders” were OK with that! |
↑26 | An alternate theory is that the “Aliens” also pursue war against all those who refuse to be part of the New Order. |