Tagged: Societal Failure

Cabal Times

Ottawa detective suspended for investigating babies who died after receiving the Covid19 vaccine.

To quote, Chances are, if you’ve been keeping tabs on the COVID “coverup,: you’ve come across this story that began to unfold in 2022. There was a sudden spike in SIDS cases in Ottawa, Canada, where nine babies died shortly after their mothers received the vaccine. One detective, named Helen Grus, took it upon herself to investigate these incidents. Yet, simply for doing her job and delving into the vaccine’s possible role, she found herself suspended and vilified. It seems...


Are Russia and China more Broke than Ever?

“Wall Street, China, and Russia are all broke and shit is going to get real over the next few months. Or, to put it another way, some dude named Noah moved next door and started building a boat in his backyard, and you’re just beginning to feel some raindrops.”


What Canada can do to Improve Human Rights (But won’t do)

In my previous post, I explained how Canada’s newest superstar, imprisoned Saudi “intellectual” Raif Badawi may not be a legit. You may think that critical pieces such as that one would be discussed extensively, given the fact that most Canadians are literate. Usually, the alternative news crowd of a country hangs out on sites like Reddit. But go over to r/canada and you will notice that they have built themselves another echo chamber where all forms of contrarianism are permanently...


Dr. Gabrielle Horne on the Toxic Research Environment of Halifax

Dr. Gabrielle Horne, Dalhousie’s first female MD/PhD in adult cardiology, sought to find a new explanation for heart failure by analyzing the role of the septum, which sometimes compensates for a weak heart pump. Instead, she found herself embroiled in a legal battle with her hospital (affiliated to Dalhousie Medical School), after they tried to force their “researcher(s)” into her project. While Dr. Horne remains silent about their motives, it can be deduced that the Powers That Be were seeking...


Is Dalhousie University Going “Black Op” on Whistle-blowers? Med Student Flees to Ecuador as Psychiatry being Weaponized to Brush Critics as Delusional

When I first began documenting my persecution at Dalhousie University, I was of the opinion that such persecution would normally be faced by foreign students, Muslim students or students studying/investigating Conspiracy. But now a Dalhousie Medical Student named Chris Hillier has demonstrated that Dalhousie can go “Black Op” even on regular, everyday students studying tame service professions like Medicine. Based on the account of Chris, inadvertently crossing faculty members with Cabal connections, and standing up for yourself when you are...


How Dalhousie University Protects Criminals and Criminalizes Whistleblowers

Dalhousie University recently made national headlines for a scandal involving it’s male Dentistry students espousing sexual assault in a private Facebook Group. The following article carefully analyses existing media coverage and offers a rational suggestion that Dalhousie may no longer be safe for anyone who does not fit into the flakey, spineless, ethically challenged culture of the Maritimes region. There is something more nastier than a cover-up going on here. Is Dalhousie staking its entire reputation to protect a few...


University Town of Halifax linked to supposed Chemical Weapons Plot in Ottawa

On the night of January 20th 2015, Ottawa Police arrested a man who had driven from Halifax to Ottawa in a cube van. It was suspected that he was carrying a large stash of improvised chemical weapons in it. The hotel he had checked in at Ottawa was evacuated. And very large quantities of hazardous chemicals were found at his properties in the outskirts of Halifax. Twenty five homes in the vicinity were evacuated. Despite this happening in a nation best known for collective paranoia and...


Were Halifax Police preparing for the Halifax Mall shooting plot more than a year in advance?

A strange incident took place in Halifax on February 13th 2015. A plot to shoot  up people in a Halifax Mall was allegedly uncovered by Police. Two suspects were arrested while another was found dead in his home in unclear circumstances. To top the list of anomalies, Halifax Police were caught on camera on 3rd December 2013 at the very same Halifax Mall! In the photo, they are shown with their weapons drawn, surrounding what appears to be a man...


Aafia and Malala; A Tale of Two Pakistani Women

2014 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner Malala Yusufzai made it to Time Magazines’s 25 Most Influential Teens for highlighting intimidation of women in Pakistan. While becoming an overnight celebrity in the West, she generates mixed reactions and even hostility in Pakistan. Another Pakistani woman, Aafia Siddiqui, continues to suffer far more physical injury and mental trauma than Malala, and maybe even rape. She even witnessed her youngest infant succumb to fatal injuries during her arrest. While Aafia was quietly flushed down the memory hole in the West, She has reemerged in Pakistan as a symbol of a nation’s blight.


Aboriginal Student Researching Missing Aboriginal Women at Halifax University Goes Missing!

Loretta Saunders, an Inuk woman who had begun researching missing aboriginal women at St. Mary’s University has been missing from Halifax since February 13th 2014. Mainstream media coverage can be found here. While some arrests have been made and some suspects have been dragged into court, there are several unusual things about the case. Universities in Halifax are becoming increasingly fatal for idealist students. This case is a strong candidate for the completely undocumented phenomenon of Criminal Cabal Activity in Western University.


Documentary Review-Analysis; The Hole Story sheds light on the Secret History of the Canadian Mining Industry

The Hole Story is a critical documentary on mining in Canada, from its early beginnings to its present state. Given the little known importance of mining in the history of Canada, it also turns out to become an informative exploration of the Secret History of Canada. While the documentary points fingers at “corporations” and “greed,” I believe there is a bigger subtext here. This is about people with no concept of living as free people being pushed into endangering free people in other parts of the world. The following are my own extrapolations based on selective facts culled from the documentary.


Remembering the victims of the 9-11 Cover-up

There is one category of 9/11 victims, perhaps the most deserving of recognition, that will continue to remain hidden from public view. These are the Americans who died as victims of the 9/11 cover-up, before, during and after 9/11. Unlike other victims of 9/11, these victims were not accidental heroes. It was their beliefs and their convictions that lead to their deaths. And in some cases, they knew the danger they were involved in.