Tagged: Halifax

Cabal Times

NS Health is Backpedaling on Vaccines!

It started with an innocuous “Statement” dated 21st February 2024, in which NSHA, IWK and the so-called Nova Scotia Health’s Emerging & Re-emerging Infections Network (ERIN) announced that those Healthcare employees who had stopped coming to work because they refused the mandatory clotshot may now return to work without proof of vaccination! (Please…..just come back). They are careful and weasel-worded. They don’t drop any references to vaccine safety, or vaccine injury, and still pretend to stand by the vaccines. Its...

Cabal Times

Tell The Feds…But are they listening?

In a mad rush to meet the objectives of the World Economic Forum (and the United Nations) to de-industrialize Canada, the Trudeau Government claimed that they want a “net zero” for electricity production by 2035. Here’s the problem: With cited cost estimates as high as $1.7 trillion*, the cost of achieving a net zero grid by 2035 will leave our power grid dependent on intermittent and unreliable sources like solar and wind. Imagine no heat at -30°, and no power...


Dr. Gabrielle Horne on the Toxic Research Environment of Halifax

Dr. Gabrielle Horne, Dalhousie’s first female MD/PhD in adult cardiology, sought to find a new explanation for heart failure by analyzing the role of the septum, which sometimes compensates for a weak heart pump. Instead, she found herself embroiled in a legal battle with her hospital (affiliated to Dalhousie Medical School), after they tried to force their “researcher(s)” into her project. While Dr. Horne remains silent about their motives, it can be deduced that the Powers That Be were seeking...


Is Dalhousie University Going “Black Op” on Whistle-blowers? Med Student Flees to Ecuador as Psychiatry being Weaponized to Brush Critics as Delusional

When I first began documenting my persecution at Dalhousie University, I was of the opinion that such persecution would normally be faced by foreign students, Muslim students or students studying/investigating Conspiracy. But now a Dalhousie Medical Student named Chris Hillier has demonstrated that Dalhousie can go “Black Op” even on regular, everyday students studying tame service professions like Medicine. Based on the account of Chris, inadvertently crossing faculty members with Cabal connections, and standing up for yourself when you are...


Burnt Book Review: Tom Juby’s Full Disclosure of the Swissair 111 Crash Investigation Yields a Surprising Connection to 9/11

A lot of what we know about anomalies in the Swissair 111 Crash and contradictions in the official story would probably never come to light were it not for the efforts conscience of RCMP Forensic Investigator  Tom Juby (Thomas C. Juby). When Cabal Times investigated the Swissair 111 Crash, we noted the importance of Juby’s claims. But at the same time, we also noticed that Juby had gone off the radar. We assumed he had been muzzled for good and...


How Dalhousie University Protects Criminals and Criminalizes Whistleblowers

Dalhousie University recently made national headlines for a scandal involving it’s male Dentistry students espousing sexual assault in a private Facebook Group. The following article carefully analyses existing media coverage and offers a rational suggestion that Dalhousie may no longer be safe for anyone who does not fit into the flakey, spineless, ethically challenged culture of the Maritimes region. There is something more nastier than a cover-up going on here. Is Dalhousie staking its entire reputation to protect a few...


University Town of Halifax linked to supposed Chemical Weapons Plot in Ottawa

On the night of January 20th 2015, Ottawa Police arrested a man who had driven from Halifax to Ottawa in a cube van. It was suspected that he was carrying a large stash of improvised chemical weapons in it. The hotel he had checked in at Ottawa was evacuated. And very large quantities of hazardous chemicals were found at his properties in the outskirts of Halifax. Twenty five homes in the vicinity were evacuated. Despite this happening in a nation best known for collective paranoia and...


Were Halifax Police preparing for the Halifax Mall shooting plot more than a year in advance?

A strange incident took place in Halifax on February 13th 2015. A plot to shoot  up people in a Halifax Mall was allegedly uncovered by Police. Two suspects were arrested while another was found dead in his home in unclear circumstances. To top the list of anomalies, Halifax Police were caught on camera on 3rd December 2013 at the very same Halifax Mall! In the photo, they are shown with their weapons drawn, surrounding what appears to be a man...

New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like MH370, SWR111 may have secretly landed.

Did Swissair Flight 111 land at an Airbase?

Suggestive evidence that  Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was redirected to Diego Garcia keeps growing stronger. New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like...


Aboriginal Student Researching Missing Aboriginal Women at Halifax University Goes Missing!

Loretta Saunders, an Inuk woman who had begun researching missing aboriginal women at St. Mary’s University has been missing from Halifax since February 13th 2014. Mainstream media coverage can be found here. While some arrests have been made and some suspects have been dragged into court, there are several unusual things about the case. Universities in Halifax are becoming increasingly fatal for idealist students. This case is a strong candidate for the completely undocumented phenomenon of Criminal Cabal Activity in Western University.


A Roadmap of the Dangers of Western University for Independent Minded Students

In my personal narrative, I outlined how some research into the role of the Soviet Union in the World Wars morphed into a full persecution campaign against me at Dalhousie University. While I may never recover from what happened, I did manage to gain a bird’s eye view of how Criminal Interests operate in a University Atmosphere. I have compiled these original insights into formal guide which will help students entering Western Universities fully understand the dangers they may have...


Shadow of the Devil

A reflection on my encounter with Criminal Groups at Dalhousie University, which resulted in the creation of this website (and which changed the course of my life).