Dal Med School’s Fatcats realizing that their Thug Life days may soon end!
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by cabaltime

In a development that could have serious repercussions for the future of the Dalhousie Medical School, Saudi Arabia has announced that they intend to recall Saudi students studying on scholarships in Canada, and enroll them in Universities in other parts of the world. To quote,
Riyadh has decided to suspend its scholarship and fellowship programs in Canada amid the ongoing row with Ottawa provoked by Canada’s criticism of human rights activists’ arrests in the ultra-conservative kingdom. Saudi Arabia announced on Monday that it stopped all educational training programs it ran in cooperation with Canada and revealed its plans to move the recipients of the scholarships in Canada to other countries, Al Arabiya reported. Earlier, Riyadh said it would freeze all new trade and investment deals with Canada, adding that it “retains the right to take further action.”
The deterioration of diplomatic relations is a result of Canada’s Criminal Elite (a group with the blood of tens of thousands of natives on their hands) assuming they can “play” Saudi Arabia the way they play their First Nations and their own citizenry. These people don’t care about my rights as a citizen and happily go black op on Canadian students, chasing them all the way to Ecuador. Expecting them to care about women’s right in another country is like expecting feral cats to care about mice.
Cabal Times believes that this will be a great decision as far as the Dalhousie Medical School is concerned. Dalhousie has long ceased to be a genuine Medical school, and the bloated tuition Saudi students are paying indirectly supports the unjustified salaries of the Fatcats who run the Med School. They have now made their extended families, as well as the families of the local Criminal Elite a sizeable portion of the Med School student body, to the detriment of genuine Canadian students. Needless to say, no genuine learning or research can continue in such a toxic environment, and those who have attempted to do so are now fighting legal battles. Worse, foreign students are getting brainwashed, targeted for Intelligence Operations and black op’d. Dear Saudi Arabia, please enroll your students anywhere but Dalhousie.
Needless to say, the Fatcats will find someone else to mooch off. The most likely candidate would be you your tax dollars (ROGER OTTAWA: SEND MOAR GRANTS…….). But Ottawa is busy buying F-35s, so that means the Thug Life days of the Fatcats are numbered.
Update: Cabal Times has discovered that Raif Badawi, the supposed Saudi “intellectual” at the heart of this crisis may not be legit. And here are some legit human rights issues Canada seems to shy away from addressing.