Category: Illuminati


How the Mughals viewed the British

Establishment historians portray the British Empire in India as a testament to British industry, British values, British discipline and general British superiority over the native people. They also credit the British with the creation of modern India, implying that the civilization and economy of pre-British India was superseded by the “natural” rules of evolution and survival. The following is a view from the other side. From 17th Century Mughal India, where the British East India Company had just set shop, and had...


Are there References to the Bavarian Illuminati in Islamic Canonical Literature?

The Illuminati as we know it today is a Western phenomenon. It is also a fairly recent one, with its official founding taking place in the year 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. Islamic Canonical Literature, namely the Quran and the Hadith, date back to 7th century Arabia. The possibility that they predict and describe a phenomenon that started being noticed approximately 1400 years later defy rationalism, unless you are a believer.


The World War Deception

The World War Deception is ground-breaking research into the two World Wars, which incorporates new developments in conspiracy literature. While there has been plenty of conspiracy literature into different facets of the two World Wars, this book attempts to provide a unified birds eye view of how the two World Wars were essential in shaping our world (for the worse). In addition, some original research into different facets of the World Wars are included.


On the Creepy Sedlec Ossuary

Sometime back, I received a chain email about the Sedlec Ossuary, claiming that the bones used in this Roman Catholic chapel were the bones of Muslims. This post intends to give a broader perspective on the strange architectural tastes of the creators of this nightmare.