Category: Cabal@Dalhousie

Cabal Times

You too can fool the Goy!

Just take a look at all these plebs, who through their sole industry and hard work, became prestigious public office holders in Canada, and are now also members of the WEF. Isn’t that so nice of them to take concern about our future, despite their busy schedules? With hard work, anyone can aspire for public office pay their rent and grocery bills.

Cabal Times

Will the real Truckers please stand up?

Prof. Henry Makow raised some interesting questions about non-Truckers who inserted themselves as the leaders and representatives of the Truckers AFTER they blockaded Ottawa. Have they now betrayed everyone? Trucker spokesman Tom Marazzo, an appealing, articulate mild mannered spokesman, was replaced by Dagney Pawlak, who once worked for Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign. Why would Zionist warmongers and a Gay Conservative suddenly want to be the distinguished leaders of the truckers? Is Tamara Lich really in jail? Did you know that...

Cabal Times


This is the first Transport Minister in Canadian history to restrict the movement of Canadian citizens. An extreme sockpuppet who prefers Halal socks.

Cabal Times

Unvaccinated Safe Spaces?

How many of your “Liberal” Dal profs would put this on their cubicle windows? Possibly none. How would signal their offices as “safe spaces” for the unvaccinated? Absolutely none

Cabal Times

Freedom Convoys

This was Nova Scotia on the morning of the 27th. They were sending off the Nova Scotian Convoy to Ottawa. Notice how Chronicle Herald and the NDP are looking the other way. Update: Here’s your “fringe minority” in Ottawa in the last days of January 2022. Update: Looks like Ontario is doing its own Freedom Convoy on the 5th of February 2022. But what about Halifax? To quote, Nova Scotia has made it illegal to gather alongside the interprovincial highway...

Cabal Times

Physician Heal thyself

Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial a 52-year-old New Brunswick cardiologist told the non-vaxxed “I won’t cry at your funeral.” He suddenly died two weeks after his third (booster) mRNA injection.

Cabal Times

The Saviour?

Attention Goyimkind, has your Saviour hath cometh? (His website & his Telegram channel). Update: He’s running for mayor of Toronto. Note that I only endorse his activism against Covid-19 Measures and other WEF agendas, which is indeed noteworthy. People say/do stupid things all the time. Canada had a Prime Minister that physically had Canadians go into a Muslim country and bomb/kill them because of some cheesy street theater in New York, which isn’t even in Canada. Yet nobody calls him...

Cabal Times

Empty Shelves

In case you are wondering why store shelves are lying empty, Canadian and American truckers are refusing to get vaccinated for cross-border travel. Check out the Telegram group of the 2022 Freedom Canada Convoy. They already have more than 9000 members. Here is their website.

Cabal Times

The only good thing to come out of Dal Medical School?

Meet Dr. Daniel Nagase. He has been a doctor for over 15 years, he graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 2004. He has been an emergency doctor for 10 years and has been working in rural underserviced communities throughout Alberta since 2015. Last Sept. Dr. Daniel Nagase was fired from relief duties at a hospital in Rimbey Alta after giving Ivermectin to three patients. All three recovered completely. Read more here.

Cabal Times

Why no non-mRNA vaccines?

Why is Health Canada backtracking and delaying on the approval of non-mRNA based Covid vaccines, which are already in use in other parts of the world? Is it related to the huge government orders for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines?

Cabal Times

Case counts don’t matter anymore?

To quote a 2nd January 2021 local news piece, With record-breaking COVID-19 case numbers in Nova Scotia, the province is looking at hospitalization data rather than case counts to determine the severity of the latest wave.  That’s to draw attention away from the fact that the vaccinated are becoming Covid cases. Looks like case counts only matter when they support a particular narrative.

Cabal Times

Vaccinated spreading Covid?

To quote a 24th December 2021 local news piece, Only certain people will be eligible to book an appointment for a PCR test at a testing centre including people who live in congregate settings, anyone being admitted to a hospital and health care workers. It also includes people who are at increased risk of severe disease such as people older than 50, unvaccinated people older than 12 and people who are pregnant. Why the sudden love for the unvaccinated? Maybe...

Cabal Times

Questionable People on the WCB?

Are questionable people, without any medical background whatsoever, being put on the Workers Compensation Board? Is this to dismiss claims of vaccine injuries by people who were forced to get the jab by their employers?

Cabal Times


Was Gabriel Wortman using military issue grenades? Was this a military operation? To quote, The Canadian military has been caught using PSYOP tactics it honed in Afghanistan on domestic soil. The dirty tricks, which included a scheme to spread panic about imaginary wolf attacks in Nova Scotia, should worry anyone concerned about civil liberties.

Cabal Times

On the Halifax Subreddit

A comment on how the r/Halifax Subreddit has become a microcosm of Halifax itself and its toxic, passive-aggressive culture. You disagreed. That’s all that’s required in r/Halifax. It sounds like you don’t think your ban was fair or warranted. In r/Halifax supporting anything other then “steal from the middle class and give to the poor” gets you banned. They don’t debate, they downvote and ban. Then proudly survey all the matching opinions in their tiny digital kingdom. r/Halifax is the...

Cabal Times

Why is Nova Scotia still in a State of Emergency?

Here is one answer: The reason NS is under a state of emergency is because our Hospital ERs are overwhelmed. Not with Covid, just with “normal load” – so imagine what would happen with a serious Covid surge. Not the case in Florida right now – do a search for “current ER wait times”. You could make an argument that a healthy double vaxxed person is safer in Florida right now. But but Dr. Strang said it was because of...

Cabal Times


As of August 25th 2021, plebs need to get the clotshot to enter the Dal campus. Rumour has it that Cabal operatives don’t have to worry because they get the certificates with a phone call. As an alternative, they say you may get tested twice a week but the test involves a rather annoying nasal swab, not a common-sense saliva slab as done elsewhere in the world. Is Dal really worth a 60% chance of blood clots? On the plus...

Cabal Times


Remember when our papers were blackballing rich Ontarians for driving up housing prices in Halifax? It turns out the real culprit is a single mysterious “institutional investor.” That could only be BlackRock, which is doing the same in USA. BlackRock refers to the ancient Phoenician city of Tyre. The same people seem to run Dal.

Cabal Times

Some Commentary on the Upcoming Election in Nova Scotia.

On 17th July 2021, Nova Scotia Premier Iain Rankin called a surprisingly early general election for 17th August 2021. Did this have anything to do with sidetracking public attention from the fact that RCMP H Division Commanding Officer Lee Bergerman announced her retirement on 13th July 2021, effective 8th October 2021? Is that a coincidence? She was at the helm during the shootout. The Public Inquiry into the Stay the Blazes Home Shootings was expected to deliver an interim report...

Cabal Times

A Vaccine-Peddling Lobby affiliated with Dal?

Come lookey over here. “Canadian researchers” (many affiliated to DAL) are suddenly concerned about vaccine adverse reactions and have come together to create a group to study these adverse reactions. And the Government is going to shower them with $800,000 of taxpayer funds (while at the same time showering millions at Moderna to set up a plant in Canada). Except that nothing is what it seems to be. And these groups might be vaccine pushers disguised as research organizations.  ...