Category: NWO


Reading Into Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Ever since the first-person shooter Call of Duty started embedding clues about the plans and activities of the Powers That Be in its plot story-lines, I started paying attention to their newest releases, particularly those of the Black Ops franchise. Ardent readers will note that one Black Ops II chapter was called “Fallen Angel.” And it revealed to us that Pakistan would be infested with drones. Two years later, Pakistan would showcase a drone which was meant to be used...


Video Review Analysis; Indian MP claims the British Owe “Reparations”

In a speech given at the Oxford Union on 14th July 2015, Indian MP (Congress) Shashi Tharoor makes a compelling case that the British owe “reparations” to India for the organized derailment of the Indian economy, that took place during the British Empire’s reign over India. In less than fifteen minutes, Mr. Tharoor presents a factual, data driven analysis of the havoc wreaked by the British on India. He argues that there was little that was benevolent or constructive about the British...


Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Did JFK fake his Death and take the *REAL* American Presidency Underground?

At some point, it becomes mandatory for any relevant conspiracy website to talk about the assassination of President John F. Kennedy (JFK). I avoided doing so in the interest of producing original content. Many theories interested me, but I felt I had nothing to add. I erroneously believed that his assassination may have been linked to reigning in the Federal Reserve, or attempting to dismantle the CIA (thanks Oliver Stone). I failed to see that these conspiracy theories were fairly...


Maududi on the Partition of British India; April 1947

The partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947 was  a conspiracy which resulted in the largest mass migration in human history, with up to 14.5 million people crossing borders. More than 1.5 million people ended up being killed in the accompanying communal violence, and the structure of the Indo-Islamic Civilization that characterized the Indian subcontinent was changed for the worse. The following article highlights the opposition to the partition by Sayyid Maududi, a Muslim religious leader. His voice of sanity...


Are there References to the Bavarian Illuminati in Islamic Canonical Literature?

The Illuminati as we know it today is a Western phenomenon. It is also a fairly recent one, with its official founding taking place in the year 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. Islamic Canonical Literature, namely the Quran and the Hadith, date back to 7th century Arabia. The possibility that they predict and describe a phenomenon that started being noticed approximately 1400 years later defy rationalism, unless you are a believer.


Pakistan develops Drone for its War on……Pakistan!

The Pakistani military-political leadership has developed its own missile-firing drone, which is being deployed against its own citizens! This dirty work was originally entrusted to American drones and American drone operators, operating under the guise of the so-called “War on Terror”. But now The Powers That Be have such faith in the Pakistani leadership’s ability to wage war against its own citizens that this task is being entrusted with them. There is even more to the story. A first person shooter released...


Aafia and Malala; A Tale of Two Pakistani Women

2014 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner Malala Yusufzai made it to Time Magazines’s 25 Most Influential Teens for highlighting intimidation of women in Pakistan. While becoming an overnight celebrity in the West, she generates mixed reactions and even hostility in Pakistan. Another Pakistani woman, Aafia Siddiqui, continues to suffer far more physical injury and mental trauma than Malala, and maybe even rape. She even witnessed her youngest infant succumb to fatal injuries during her arrest. While Aafia was quietly flushed down the memory hole in the West, She has reemerged in Pakistan as a symbol of a nation’s blight.


Documentary Review-Analysis; GASLAND highlights the Fracking Up of America

Gasland, a 2010 American documentary film, has made a lot of waves because of its critical view of the practice of fracking. The fracking industry has responded with not just a rebuttal, but a full documentary film of their own. Which only adds more merit to the film. While the producers may have intended to highlight the dangers of fracking, the documentary also becomes a poignant portrayal of eroding civil and property rights in North America.


Documentary Review-Analysis; The Hole Story sheds light on the Secret History of the Canadian Mining Industry

The Hole Story is a critical documentary on mining in Canada, from its early beginnings to its present state. Given the little known importance of mining in the history of Canada, it also turns out to become an informative exploration of the Secret History of Canada. While the documentary points fingers at “corporations” and “greed,” I believe there is a bigger subtext here. This is about people with no concept of living as free people being pushed into endangering free people in other parts of the world. The following are my own extrapolations based on selective facts culled from the documentary.


A Roadmap of the Dangers of Western University for Independent Minded Students

In my personal narrative, I outlined how some research into the role of the Soviet Union in the World Wars morphed into a full persecution campaign against me at Dalhousie University. While I may never recover from what happened, I did manage to gain a bird’s eye view of how Criminal Interests operate in a University Atmosphere. I have compiled these original insights into formal guide which will help students entering Western Universities fully understand the dangers they may have...


The World War Deception

The World War Deception is ground-breaking research into the two World Wars, which incorporates new developments in conspiracy literature. While there has been plenty of conspiracy literature into different facets of the two World Wars, this book attempts to provide a unified birds eye view of how the two World Wars were essential in shaping our world (for the worse). In addition, some original research into different facets of the World Wars are included.


The Federal Reserve as an Instrument of War

While much has been written about how the Federal Reserve benefits certain private parties and how it generates money out of thin air, this paper delves deeper into the operation of the Federal Reserve as an instrument of war, and its historical role as a primary enabler of armed international conflict. A comparison is done with an analogous monetary institution, the Bank of Canada, to show that the Federal Reserve is being operated differently, with war being its chief historical focus.