Chapter Nine: The Road Ahead for Pakistan
In one of his last interviews before his death, Musharraf made a cryptic statement that both political parties The Pakistan Peoples Party (associated with the Bhuttos/Baghdad Spooks) and the Pakistan Muslim League-N (associated with the Sharifs/Shah Mir Spooks) must be destroyed in the best interests of Pakistan. Here are his exact words:
I will only tell people that PPP and PML-N are the two major parties [of Pakistan]. We have seen both of them [in power] not thrice but four times. Now if you want to vote for them again and give them Governance again, then only Allah can protect you [Sarcasm]. The same will happen which I have been telling you. Use your vote sensibly and responsibly, and bring change. Get rid of them. Because they are destroying Pakistan….these two parties.
Musharraf in September 2023, just before his death. (Trans. mine)
His argument can be extended not just to the PPP and the PML-N, but the two groups of people they represent, the Baghdad Spooks and the Shah Mir Spooks. And it is not necessary to physically hunt them down. Imran Khan has already shown that all roads of corruption lead straight to them. If they were to be held accountable, and were to lose limbs under sharia law, all of them would flee to UK and other countries before they got prosecuted. The massive, sprawling embassies in Pakistan of countries like UK and USA are built to give refuge to tens of thousands of crypto-Phoenicians, should the situation arise. Phoenicians always have each other’s back, even across international borders and generational gaps. In addition, if the banks of the Spook families were shut down for transacting in usury, which is forbidden under sharia law, many Spook assets and industries would automatically collapse.
Long before the creation of Pakistan, a European-Muslim intellectual named Muhammad Asad had journeyed British India. There, he met Iqbal and philanthropist Chaudhry Niaz Ali Khan[1]He also helped Maududi establish the Jamaat-i-Islami but later developed a rift when Maududi opposed the two-nation theory. who became his host. Allama Iqbal encouraged Asad to translate the Sahih Al-Bukhari in English for the first time in history. In order to find a place serene enough to do the task, he arrived in Kashmir during the summer of 1934. There, he met Mirwaiz Muhammad Yusuf who became his close friend. While working enthusiastically on his translation, he also set up his own printing press in Srinagar. The first two chapters of his translation were printed in Srinagar. The Phoenicians hated Asad, and when World War II broke out, they detained him for three years as an “enemy alien,” despite the fact that he was an Austrian citizen, not a German one. Back in Germany, the “Nazis” murdered his parents. When freed, he lived on the estate of Niaz Ali Khan. After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Asad was conferred first full citizenship by Pakistan and appointed the Director of the Department of Islamic Reconstruction by the Government of Pakistan. This was established by Nawab Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot, one of the biggest landlords of Punjab. He got elected as the Chief Minister of Pakistani Punjab. He invited Muhammad Asad to run this Department. This Department sent a “Memorandum for enforcement of Sharia in Pakistan” to the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 18th August 1948. But by 1949, Mamdot was forced to resign due to differences with the Muslim League Leadership and the Department became dormant. To distract Asad from this work and to try buying him off, Asad was transferred to the Foreign Ministry and served on various Pakistani foreign missions. But that was not all. A campaign of rumors was also started against him in Pakistan to make people doubt his credibility. To quote,
Hamida notes that Asad’s political adversaries among the Pakistani elites spread the rumor that Asad, living in New York City, had “abandoned Islam and reverted to Judaism.” To clear his name of this accusation Asad wrote detailed and lengthy letters to Pakistani newspapers, where the controversy about him raged for a few months in 1954. Subsequently Asad was “exonerated” of this charge of apostasy and his good name restored.
Realizing that he up against a secret ruling elite, he resigned in 1952 and moved to Spain. In 1961, he would release a book which was built on his work for the Department of Islamic Reconstruction. Later, Ayub Khan and General Zia tried to call him back, but he had lost heart.
The reason why Sharia Law can’t be allowed to happen is because it would make things difficult for the crypto-Phoenicians running Pakistan. And this is why it wasn’t allowed to happen in the past. Back then the Qadiani/Ahmadiyya groups were sometimes used to counter orthodox Muslims. Now we have newer groups.
Dismissal Nazimuddin Cab[inet] represents victory [to] those elements rejecting religious reactionary influences ad desiring strong assertive and more efficient central govt. EMB[assy] believes decision [to] remove Nazimuddin came as [a] result [of] series [of] high level meetings held this week. Military undoubtedly played important role as did Gov Gen himself. Conclusion must have been reached that only remedy for situation was departure [of] PRIMIN from scene. Retention [of] Zafrullah is clear victory over mullahs and inclusion [of] Qayyum brings into Cab[inet] one of the strongest personalities in PAK. Removal [of] Nishtar, Fazlur Rehman, Pirzada, and Mahmud Husain rids Govt of most reactionary, corrupt and inefficient elements of former Cab[inet]. Likely that future additions promised by new PRIMIN will include Bengali, possibly E. Bengali Revenue Min[ister] Tafazzal Ali. Ability [of] Mohamed Ali [Bogra] to produce competent and effective Govt is of course yet to be tested. Reactionary mullah influence by no means annihilated and enemies made through present change will not rpt [repeat] not remain inactive. Nevertheless EMB[assy] believes new Govt will be generally welcomed with realization [of] its greatly enhanced strength over predecessor. No doubt that [this] change has accomplishment [of] removal [of] those individuals least friendly to United States and that in particular [the] presence [of] Mohamed Ali [Bogra] as PRIMIN, retention of Zafrullah and addition [of] Qayyum represent welcome gain so far [as] US interests are concerned.
A Secret Telegram sent by the American Embassy in Pakistan (Karachi) to the US Secretary of State, 18th April 1953. The Embassy is gushing and cheering at the flushing of several notable members of the Muslim League who could have established Sharia Law, which would have put the Baghdad Spooks and their businesses at severe disadvantage. They love Zafrullah because he is an Ahmadiyya, not a Muslim. They also love Iskander Mirza because he declared martial law in Lahore to protect the Ahmadiyya. And they hate Nishtar. It is to be noted that Prime Minister Nazimuddin was also a crypto, which is why he didn’t protest much. The new, unelected cabinet of Bogra did not last long. The Muslim League got routed in an election in East Pakistan, and military rule was established to prevent a takeover by the newly elected people.
The Army (which included Iskander Mirza) would not have been encouraged to do this, if it was not certain that the new dispensation would have the support of the Americans, on whom today Pakistan is almost wholly dependent for its food requirements, and to carry on the ordinary expenses of the Administration.
[…….]I have not referred to UK politics as it was not concerned with the food and economic problem, but I think that the problem of Chaudhri Zafrullah provided the link between the U.K. and America on this question. Woe to Pakistan and to mankind if we are heading for a Qadiani dictatorship backed by England and America. The disappearance of Nishtar is not without significance. Thank God I continue to be in the Opposition!
Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy, connecting the dots in a 21st April 1953 letter to Charles C. Withers at the US Embassy in Dhaka.
(UNCLASSIFIED) Punjab Government’s Directive to Ahmadiyya Chief: Punjab Government has served an Order under Section 5 of the Punjab Public Safety Act 1949 directing Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmed, head of the Ahmadiya sect to abstain from making any speech, or publishing any statement or report relating to the Ahrar-Ahmadiya controversy or the anti-Ahmadiya agitation or any matter likely to promote feelings of hatred or enmity between different classes.
Um, why does America actually care? Dispatch dated 3rd April 1953 from the US Embassy at Karachi, to the Department of State, Washington.
(UNCLASSIFIED) Arrest of Jamaat-i-Islami Leaders: Thirteen members of the Jamaat-i-Islami have been taken into custody by the Martial law Authorities in Lahore including Maulana Maudoodi, Mian Tufail Mohammad and Maulana Amin Ahsan Islahi. Eighteen other Jamaat-i-Islami members were arrested outside the Lahore Martial Law Area under the Provincial Public Safety Act.
(CONFIDENTIAL) COMMENT: Maulana Maudoodi was one of the few prominent who had escaped arrest during the general round-up of extremist Mullahs. He has now been arrested on the on the strength of a pamphlet which was just published in which Maudoodi tried to attack the Ahmadiyas by clever implications without indulging in open incitation. Martial law authorities however felt that he had overstepped and thereupon arrested him. It is also noteworthy that the son of the head of the Ahmadiya movements, who is principal of a school in Lahore, has recently been arrested for “violation of Martial Law Orders.” No details were given. From this, it appears that the Martial Law Administrator has decided to suppress promptly any signs of religious agitation from either side. Punjab CID stated to ConGen officer that there is no evidence “as yet” that Jamaat-i-Islami as a party was involved in the riots. He stated that arrests had been made of individuals against whom there was some evidence of participation in the riots, and that the investigations were still going on. Reminded that maudoodi in particular had issued press statements during the riots that he and his party opposed the Ahrar campaign, the CID officer said that “they (the arrested) had been doing what they were denying and denying what they were doing.” He believed that some of them would be detained “for some time,” indicating that he felt a good case would be made against them.
US Embassy Karachi official, persuading police to keep Maududi in jail. Why was Punjab CID talking to them in the first place? Note that the numbers 13 and 18 are Spook markers, indicating that this was a Phoenician op. Dispatch dated 3rd April 1953 from the US Embassy at Karachi, to the Department of State, Washington. More on Maududi’s pamphlet here.
Maulana Maudoodi, leader of Jammat-i-Islami, arrested March 28 during anti-Ahmadiya agitation in Lahore, found guilty of complicity in riots by military tribunal May 11, and sentenced to death. Maudoodi, one of leading Pak mullahs, was described at the time of his arrest to Emb[assy] officer by both FonSec [Foreign Secretary of Pakistan] and Defense Secy as “one of the most dangerous men in Pak.” Whether or not rpt [repeat] not will ever be carried out remains to be seen. It is possible that due to public pressure GovGen [Governor General] may commute sentence.
Confidential Telegram from a US Embassy in Pakistan to the US State Department dated 12th May 1953. Maududi would be released unconditionally following a High Court Judgement dated 29th April 1955. Malik Ghulam Muhammad left for Britain, vacating the post of Governor General to Iskandar Mirza on 7th August 1955.
One of the fundamental attributes of an Islamic Republic would appear to be the delegation of Sovereignty to God in contrast to the Western democracies where sovereignty is vested in people. There are numerous verses in the Holy Quran which substantiate this view: “To Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is therein, and it is he who hath power over all things” (Quran VI: 120); “He does not share his command with any person whatsoever” (Quran, XVIII:26). Islam embraces not only principles and modes of Worship but also teachings of Islam, as contained in the Holy Quran, Sunna (interpretations of the Prophet’s actions), and Hadis (interpretations of the sayings of the Prophet), govern virtually every field of human endeavour.
For the Phoenicians the biggest problem with a genuine Islamic Constitution was that it would sanctify private property through Sharia Law. This would become a huge stumbling block for later proto-Communist measures of land confiscation and nationalization of industries, which later unfolded under Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto. Also, the outlawing of usury would seriously damage crypto-Phoenician industries. And therefore we find American officials fretting and losing sleep over this. Confidential Foreign Service Dispatch by the American Embassy in Karachi to the Department of State, Washington, dated 11th January 1954. Signed by Charles Withers.
In March 1956, a Constitution was created, but Sharia Law as never implemented, despite some superficial attempts to give the impression that it was an “Islamic” Constitution. Even this watered-down Constitution frightened the Phoenicians, and in October 1958, President Iskandar Mirza abrogated this Constitution and declared Martial Law. A similar Constitution minus Sharia was drafted in 1962 under General Ayub Khan, but Martial Law continued under General Yahya Khan. After Bangladesh was formed in 1971, the PPP of Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto half-heartedly enacted the 1962 constitution. In August 1973, an even more watered-down Constitution minus Sharia was enacted by the Zulfikhar Ali Bhutto, which continues to the present day. While no part of Sharia Law was incorporated, a provision was included to allow females to become the Head of State, as Benazir Bhutto was displaying political aspirations.
The subject of the Eyes Only telegram No. 341 of November 2 from Karachi on the question of the dangers in Pakistan constitutional development along theocratic lines was handled in the following manner. In a conversation with Ghulam Mohammed on the evening of November 11, Mr. Byroade inquired of the progress being made on the constitutional problem in Pakistan. Ghulam Mohammed was quite emphatic in stating that the big questions had all been resolved and that he felt no serious impediments would be encountered in subsequent drafting. Byroade queried him as to the concern some had expressed that concessions might be made which would tend to shape the future development of Pakistan into what we might call a theocratic state. The Governor General responded immediately that he knew of this danger but that he personally had strong feelings on this matter and felt he could give us every assurance that such concessions would not be made. He felt certain that Pakistan would develop along modern, progressive lines. Byroade let the subject drop at this point.
American Phoenicians alarmed at the prospect of Sharia Law in Pakistan. This would be the death knell of the banking businesses of the Baghdad Spooks, and the wine-guzzling, European educated elite who had put themselves on the helm of the country. A Top Secret Dispatch to the US Secretary of State from the US Ambassador to Pakistan Hildreth, dated 13th November 1953. This Constitution of Pakistan would later be framed by Ghulam Mohammed and Iskander Mirza after they seized control and illegally dissolved the Constituent Assembly. This had to be done because the Muslim League was routed in elections in East Pakistan, opening the doors for legitimate civilian leaders to frame the Constitution.
Reverting to Pakistan’s participation in the defense areas, Ayub [General Ayub Khan] made the remark that Pakistan cabinet did not have enough internationally-minded people. Of those with provincial mentalities, Ayub included Nishtar and Fazlur Rehman, who he said was no friend of the US. When I asked him what their reaction would be if Pakistan were invited to join a MEDO. He said that he could assure me that they would do what he told them to do and he repeated the phrase that he would stand no nonsense from the politicians.
Charles C. Withers of the US Embassy at Karachi, getting reassurance from General Ayub Khan that Nishtar and Fazlur Rehman would not be allowed to succeed as leaders, in a top secret memo dated 28th February 1953.
I do not want to give the impression that Pakistan has suddenly gone to pot and all our previous analyses are wrong. I still think the group which has been in control is pretty strong and a government can evolve which is satisfactory for Pak-American relations. But the situation has become messy by this action in the assembly. And the Muslim League Convention could be explosive.
A top-secret letter to the American Ambassador to Pakistan dated 25th September 1954, in which he worries about the dismissal of the dictatorial Governor-General Ghulam Mohammed by a group led by religious leader Fazlur Rehman who opposed American domination of Pakistani affairs. In short, Ghulam Mohammed was their man, not the Prime Minister. It later became evident that Fatima Jinnah was behind the move and was staging her own comeback, with the assistance of Prime Minister Bogra (both Baghdad Spooks), and they were using Fazlur Rehman as a prop.
The Australian High Commissioner, General Cawthorn, with long experiences in the subcontinent and as an official in Pakistan, expresses considerable concern over the situation. He feels that some hope lies, however, in the disagreements already existing and developing within the group which brought off the coup. These fissures may widen and effectively stymie future concerted action. At the same time, according to General Cawthorn, much will depend on Mohammed Ali’s action when he returns from the United States. The High Commissioner feels that if the Prime Minister returns with additional aid from the United States and with resulting enhanced prestige, he may be able to exert his leadership and control the situation effectively. General Cawthorn admits, however, that the dangers of control by the new clique are very real.
A top secret dispatch from the American Embassy in Karachi to the State Department, dated 2nd October 1954, in which American Phoenicians are peeing their pants on the dismissal of Governor General Ghulam Mohammed. The Cawthorn being referenced here is General Walter Cawthorn, a Major general in the British-Indian Army. When the Partition of India occurred in 1947, Cawthorn opted for the Pakistan Army and from 1948 to 1951 he was Deputy Chief General Staff, Pakistan Army under Lieutenant General Ross C. McCay. Cawthorn left Pakistan in 1951. From 1951 to 1954, Cawthorn was the Director of the Australian Joint Intelligence Bureau (JIB), within the Defence ministry. He came back to Pakistan in 1954 as Australia’s High Commissioner to Pakistan. Is he related to Robert Cawthome who was running Pakistan’s ISI at the same time? (his “official” tenure was from 1950-1959). It later became evident that Fatima Jinnah was behind the move and was staging her own comeback, with the assistance of Prime Minister Bogra (both Baghdad Spooks), and they were using Fazlur Rehman as a prop.
Country not prepared for Western-type democracy and believe U.S. policy should recognize this fact. Embassy therefore recommends that any U.S. official statement should avoid invocation “democratic principles.”
To rephrase it, “Lets deny democracy to these folks.” US Phoenicians now in cahoots with Iskandar Mirza. He would later abrogate the Constitution and proclaim Martial Law. Secret Telegram from the American Embassy in Karachi to the Secretary of State Washington, dated 19th September 1955.
When it comes to countering the crypto-Phoenician Deep State in Pakistan, the difficult question is who will bell the cat? Definitely not the Supreme Court or a legal system rooted in colonial-era British laws. The Army has in the past, provided some respite to Pakistan. But they are so badly infiltrated that their own ranks are being assassinated in broad daylight and they have no idea what to do. Again, history has shown that a single General Yahya Khan can do more damage to Pakistan than 20 enemy divisions.

It is unlikely that there will be genuine civilian leadership in Pakistan, because civilian leadership has historically been monopolized by these two groups. And they don’t believe in co-existence. There are/were thousands of potential civilian leaders who were denied a chance, and many got assassinated on the streets once the Phoenicians recognized their leadership potential. Pakistan got Imran Khan only because the two groups decided on giving him a role as the last Prime Minister of Pakistan. Once the role was cancelled, he got cancelled. Paradoxically, Pakistan’s Army has produced more genuine leaders because of the simple fact that it is more difficult to harass/threaten/intimidate/bully/assassinate Army men. And this is a situation very unique to Pakistan (In the rest of the world, it is vice versa; the Crypto-Phoenicians operate mainly through Military/Intelligence).
In the Pakistani context, “civilian leaders” refers exclusively to either the Baghdad Spooks or the Shah Mir Spooks. The speed with which other interlopers like Imran Khan were removed, with the collaborative efforts of other “civilian leaders,” the judiciary, the media and the military indicates that “civilian leaders” shall continue to be exclusively drawn from these Cabals. While the argument that the military has no business in their “civilian leadership” is often raised, no one dares ask the opposite: Why then does the “civilian leadership” interfere in military affairs, such as Nawaz Sharif’s removal of General Jehangir Karamat as COAS, and his later attempt at replacing Musharraf as COAS with a Kashmiri Spook? And no one asks the question as to why these Cabals, representing less than 1% of the population, even have any role in Governance.
In the Pakistani context, “civilian leaders” refers exclusively to either the Baghdad Spooks or the Shah Mir Spooks. The speed with which other interlopers like Imran Khan were removed, with the collaborative efforts of other “civilian leaders,” the judiciary, the media and the military indicates that “civilian leaders” shall continue to be exclusively drawn from these Cabals.
Paradoxically, Pakistan’s Army has produced more genuine leaders because of the simple fact that it is more difficult to harass/threaten/intimidate/bully/assassinate Army men.
The biggest advantage the crypto-Phoenicians have in Pakistan is that they are largely hidden from history, and get to pretend to be commoners (at times). They have used the so-called education system and the media to completely distract people from their actual political power and economic clout. While they may hide behind big and powerful institutions, they too at the end of the day, have families and….businesses. It pays to stay focused on these, rather than the Government institution they claim to represent. For example, the current second-in-command of the ISI, Faisal Naseer aka Dirty Harry, is the son of a banker, associated with Habib Bank. Which we have earlier identified with the Baghdad Spooks. Wouldn’t it be prudent to start peacefully boycotting the bank in question?
One may ask what there is to hope for? The answer is that unlike most parts of the world, Pakistan still remains “contested,” which is why its politics are still sometimes exciting. In contrast, take the case of the entire Western world, where crypto-Phoenicians have not faced any contest whatsoever in past centuries, and are fine tuning the management of their servile plebs, transforming them into literal robots, and ensuring that they are living in a matrix, drowned in disinformation, compartmentalized in their professions but disconnected from reality. Of course, there may some prosperity and increased standard of living (in some quarters) due to lack of strife, but that in no way compensates for figurative slavery.
And may Pakistan continue to remain “contested.”
- Chapter Six: The Free-fall Years (2008-2018)
- Crypto Comeback in Post-Musharraf Pakistan
- Escalation in American Drone Strikes in Pakistan
- The Fake-killing of Osama Bin Laden
- The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project
- The Murder of Mullah Omar
- The rise of the fake Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan in Pakistan (a CIA-linked terrorist group)
- The Deliberate Gutting of the Pakistani Economy
- Chapter Seven: Imran Khan, the designated “Last Prime Minister of Pakistan” and the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- Political Leadership had to be Compromised by the Cryptos in both nations for the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- Military Leadership had to be Compromised by the Cryptos in both nations for the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- Nuclear Weapon Administration in both countries had to be Compromised and Compartmentalized by the Cryptos in both nations for the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- Air Defense in both countries had to be Compromised and Compartmentalized by the Cryptos in both nations for the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- Media had to be Completely Compromised by the Cryptos in both nations for the Planned 2019 Indo-Pak War
- What a Postwar Subcontinent would look like…..
- Chapter Ten: Lists of Cabal Operatives in Historical Pakistani Leadership
↑1 | He also helped Maududi establish the Jamaat-i-Islami but later developed a rift when Maududi opposed the two-nation theory. |