Category: Investigative Analyses @ Cabal Times


Cryptic Reddit Post Predicted an Apocalyptic Indo-Pak war Four Years ago

On 1st May 2014, a post appeared on the subreddit r/india detailing an apocalyptic nuclear war that would be fought between India and Pakistan, beginning on 12th January 2019 and concluding on 26th March 2019. It was then dismissed as the product of a macabre imagination. But the current escalation of conflict since mid-February 2019 has many rereading the same post seriously.


What Canada can do to Improve Human Rights (But won’t do)

In my previous post, I explained how Canada’s newest superstar, imprisoned Saudi “intellectual” Raif Badawi may not be a legit. You may think that critical pieces such as that one would be discussed extensively, given the fact that most Canadians are literate. Usually, the alternative news crowd of a country hangs out on sites like Reddit. But go over to r/canada and you will notice that they have built themselves another echo chamber where all forms of contrarianism are permanently...


Is Raif Badawi for real or just another “Project”?

On 2nd August 2018, Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland made a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of Samar Badawi in Saudi Arabia. Samar is the sister of Raif Badawi, a supposed “human rights activist” in Saudi Arabia. On 3rd August 2018, the Foreign Policy Canada Twitter account followed up with a tweet expressing concern about the arrest of supposed “human rights activists” in Saudi Arabia. What followed was an unexpected deterioration of foreign relations, as Saudi Arabia took these...


A Radical New Theory on Illuminati Intrigue in the Punjab

In this post, I intend to prove that since medieval times, the Illuminati has had a connection to the Indian heartland known as the Punjab. And that they invented entirely new belief systems with sole purpose of gathering people to wage violent wars of annihilation against the Mughals. I will further prove that these secret bloodlines are still active, and continue to haunt the destinies of modern-day India, Pakistan and even Bangladesh. In the course of doing so, we discover...


Book Review Analysis; Anuj Dhar’s Quest to find Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose…..and my Detour

In the modern history of the Indian Subcontinent, no mystery is bigger than the 1945 disappearance of prominent Indian freedom fighter Subhas Chandra Bose aka Netaji. Numerous Inquiry Commissions have sat over the years. Several books have been written. Many movies have been made. Yet far too many questions remain unanswered. In his game changing book What Happened to Netaji? Anuj Dhar comes up with some startling new pieces of information. While he has his answers too, I have been...


The Vultures are Circling India…….Again

Thanks to the efforts of Great Game India, the Rothschild Cabal is now being tagged in almost all of India’s recent notable economic woes. A mere 71 years after independence, India is being recolonized……by the same old families, using the same old tactics. As before, the Illuminati is sneaking in, disguised as companies of businessmen and traders. And once again, Indians are looking up to these foreigners (and their trained brown acolytes) as brainy financial wizards, with the same wonder-struck...


Top Conspiracy Theories about India’s Demonetisation Mess

The sudden demonetisation of large denomination currency notes by the Government of India on 9th November 2016 has created a mix of shock, horror, confusion, speculation and conspiracy theories across the Subcontinent. The Government of India, led by BJP Prime Minister Narendra Modi, claimed that this was a necessary measure because, These large denomination notes were being used to hoard “black money” in India. Since demonetisation would require such notes to be deposited in a bank account or exchanged at...


The Secret History of Hyderabad State of the Nizam (South India; 1724 – 1948)

Once upon a time, kingdom as big as modern Germany straddled the Deccan plateau South India. This investigative essay attempts to chronicle it’s secret, untold history, from its auspicious beginnings to its abrupt and mysterious end in 1948. We examine the kingdom’s founder, the Nizam, an extraordinary man who emerged as the guardian of the Mughals, battling Illuminati conspiracies all his life, and saving the Mughal rulers of the Indian Subcontinent from imminent destruction three times. We look at the...


Reading Into Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Ever since the first-person shooter Call of Duty started embedding clues about the plans and activities of the Powers That Be in its plot story-lines, I started paying attention to their newest releases, particularly those of the Black Ops franchise. Ardent readers will note that one Black Ops II chapter was called “Fallen Angel.” And it revealed to us that Pakistan would be infested with drones. Two years later, Pakistan would showcase a drone which was meant to be used...


The Secret History of the Penal Settlement on Andaman Islands, and a small list of Prisoners

Long before Guantanamo Bay was developed as a no-escape prison, the British began setting up an island prison on the Andaman island. They had just conquered the Indian subcontinent, and a Guantanamo Bay style detention facility for Indian freedom fighters started being constructed in 1896. After facing immense difficulty finding a list of prisoners online, a list has been posted here to aid researchers.


Maududi on the Partition of British India; April 1947

The partition of the Indian Subcontinent in 1947 was  a conspiracy which resulted in the largest mass migration in human history, with up to 14.5 million people crossing borders. More than 1.5 million people ended up being killed in the accompanying communal violence, and the structure of the Indo-Islamic Civilization that characterized the Indian subcontinent was changed for the worse. The following article highlights the opposition to the partition by Sayyid Maududi, a Muslim religious leader. His voice of sanity...


How the Mughals viewed the British

Establishment historians portray the British Empire in India as a testament to British industry, British values, British discipline and general British superiority over the native people. They also credit the British with the creation of modern India, implying that the civilization and economy of pre-British India was superseded by the “natural” rules of evolution and survival. The following is a view from the other side. From 17th Century Mughal India, where the British East India Company had just set shop, and had...


Indonesia OFFICIALLY unimpressed by Cabal Times’ coverage of MH370

When we started this website, our goal was to provide rare and valuable information to a small but discerning community of truth seekers, so as to aid their personal quests. We always avoided the fear-mongering, sensationalism and apocalyptic visions found on typical conspiracy websites. We fully understand that our analyses is not for everybody. Western media, which is completely compromised by The Powers That Be, always avoids us. At times, they even create investigative “spin” documentaries which draw their outlines from...


University Town of Halifax linked to supposed Chemical Weapons Plot in Ottawa

On the night of January 20th 2015, Ottawa Police arrested a man who had driven from Halifax to Ottawa in a cube van. It was suspected that he was carrying a large stash of improvised chemical weapons in it. The hotel he had checked in at Ottawa was evacuated. And very large quantities of hazardous chemicals were found at his properties in the outskirts of Halifax. Twenty five homes in the vicinity were evacuated. Despite this happening in a nation best known for collective paranoia and...


Are there References to the Bavarian Illuminati in Islamic Canonical Literature?

The Illuminati as we know it today is a Western phenomenon. It is also a fairly recent one, with its official founding taking place in the year 1776 in Bavaria, Germany. Islamic Canonical Literature, namely the Quran and the Hadith, date back to 7th century Arabia. The possibility that they predict and describe a phenomenon that started being noticed approximately 1400 years later defy rationalism, unless you are a believer.


MH370, MH17, and now AirAsia Flight 8501…..Is Malaysia being targeted?

The disappearance of the Malaysian owned  AirAsia Flight 8501 on 28th December 2014, in the same year that Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 mysteriously disappeared, and in the same year that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over Ukraine raises the realistic possibility that Malaysia is being targeted by the Globalists. But in the absence of crazy leaders like Saddam Hussein and Mullah Omar who called for open confrontation with Western Powers, the Powers That be are being forced to use a...

New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like MH370, SWR111 may have secretly landed.

Did Swissair Flight 111 land at an Airbase?

Suggestive evidence that  Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was redirected to Diego Garcia keeps growing stronger. New revelations pertaining to the disappearance of MH370 are putting a new perspective on the 1998 alleged “crash” Swissair Flight 111 off the coast of Canada, minutes away from a major Canadian Airbase, CFB Shearwater. In the post, we apply everything we learnt from the disappearance of MH370 and subsequent redirection to Diego Garcia to the alleged “crash” of SWR111, and we learn that like...


Aafia and Malala; A Tale of Two Pakistani Women

2014 Nobel Peace Prize co-winner Malala Yusufzai made it to Time Magazines’s 25 Most Influential Teens for highlighting intimidation of women in Pakistan. While becoming an overnight celebrity in the West, she generates mixed reactions and even hostility in Pakistan. Another Pakistani woman, Aafia Siddiqui, continues to suffer far more physical injury and mental trauma than Malala, and maybe even rape. She even witnessed her youngest infant succumb to fatal injuries during her arrest. While Aafia was quietly flushed down the memory hole in the West, She has reemerged in Pakistan as a symbol of a nation’s blight.