Conspiracy Theory Review-Analysis; Our Hidden Rulers are Phoenician
Last Updated on April 20, 2022 by Hamad Subani

Was the Indus Valley Civilization Destroyed by the Spookians? A Theory
Note: This Section is not Part of the Main Review, and is my own unendorsed extrapolation.
Does the Spookian connection to India go earlier than Alexander the Great and the Mauryans? What if they had earlier invaded India, using “Aryans” from the steppes of Eurasia as proxies? It seems they did succeed in destroying the advanced Indus Valley Civilization through genocide and nihilism, but failed to consolidate over the large areas and large populations, which is why the Mauryans and Buddhism became a necessity. I have touched upon this in another book. To quote,
Prior to the Aryan invasion, the Indus valley was home to a relatively sophisticated civilization. The Aryans overran the local Indian Indus Valley civilization[1]Robert Heine-Geldern, “The Coming of the Aryans and the end of the Harappa Civilization,” Man 56 (Oct. 1956) 139 around 1600-1800 BC. The theory of the movement of Aryans into India has become controversial due to partisan politics in India. But recently, genetic evidence has been presented to vindicate the theory of a large scale Aryan migration. To quote,
[…] 20%–30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. […] Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. [2]Michael Bamshad, Toomas Kivisild,W. Scott Watkins, Mary E. Dixon, Chris E. Ricker, Baskara B. Rao, J. Mastan Naidu, B.V. Ravi Prasad, P. Govinda Reddy, Arani Rasanayagam, Surinder S. Papiha, Richard Villems, Alan J. Redd, Michael F. Hammer, Son V. Nguyen, Marion L. Carroll, Mark A. Batzer and Lynn B. Jorde, “Genetic Evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Population,” Genome Research 11 (2001): 994
The Aryans were herded into India by a religious elite, which propagated itself through exclusive bloodlines, not unlike the Sumerians and ancient Egyptians. This clique had complete control over the group since the clique was firmly rooted as a priestly caste. Violent efforts were made to preserve these bloodlines and their privileges by the creation of a pyramidal society, where groups of people were frozen in their respective castes, all subordinate to this highest bloodline. However, in a place as vast and complex as the Indian subcontinent, the bloodlines did not survive. And the contrivances created to secure them remain only as a legacy.

What is also interesting to note is the Indus Valley Civilization, like the Hittites, was also a Bronze Age Civilization, and had made advances in metallurgy. To quote,
The Indus River Valley Civilization is considered a Bronze Age society; inhabitants of the ancient Indus River Valley developed new techniques in metallurgy—the science of working with copper, bronze, lead, and tin.
We also know that the Indus Valley Civilization was not a mystery to the Phoenicians, and the Phoenicians were actively trading (and spying) on them.
We also know that the Indus Valley Civilization was not a mystery to the Phoenicians, and the Phoenicians were actively trading (and spying) on them. To quote:
One of the ways historians know about the maritime trade network operating between the Harappan and Mesopotamian civilizations is the discovery of Harappan seals and jewelry at archaeological sites in regions of Mesopotamia, which includes most of modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, and parts of Syria.
[…..]It also appears they built boats and watercraft—a claim supported by archaeological discoveries of a massive, dredged canal, and what is regarded as a docking facility at the coastal city of Lothal. Harappans also engaged in shellworking, and shells used in their crafts have origins from as far away as the coast of modern-day Oman.
But unlike the Hittites, the Indus Valley Civilization appeared to be a peaceful entity, which may explain why it succumbed to the Aryan Invasion without much resistance.
So like the Hittites who were completely obliterated off the map, major cities of the Indus Valley Civilization were also desolated, only to be discovered by some British engineers laying train tracks in Colonial India. Had this discovery not been made, we would have probably never heard of them. In fact, when the discovery was made, it was originally passed off as the ruins of a Mauryan city. But it seems that unlike the Hittites who faced a complete genocide, down to the last person, it became logistically impossible to kill all the people associated with the Indus Valley Civilization because they had a large population spread over a large, unexplored (to the Phoenicians) area. And so a caste system was devised to lock them in submission.
Were the Hittites and the Indus Valley Civilization the only people the Phoenicians destroyed? It appears they also destroyed the Mittani, on the Southern border of the later Hittites. They were vassals of the Hittites.
During my analysis of the World Wars in another book, I came across one staged battle that stood out. That was the Battle of Megiddo (1918) where the Ottoman Army suffered a catastrophic defeat. Two major Turkish Armies were left to be annihilated by their very own commanders. We are told Allenby chose this location for its “biblical and symbolic resonance”.[3] Alan Warwick Palmer (December 2000). Victory 1918. Grove Press. p. 238. ISBN 978-0-8021-3787-6. It only makes sense that a staged battle would take place at a predetermined location.

The Destruction of the Turkish 7th Army in Wadi Far’a by Allied air forces was the first occasion in history when a major formation was annihilated by air power alone.
If we go further back in time to 609 BC, there was another Battle of Megiddo, in which the Egyptian Pharaoh annexed Judah.
If we go even further back to 1457 BC, there was yet another Battle of Megiddo, in which the Egyptian Pharaoh landed a major blow to the Mittani. Remember that Phoenicia’s high point was 1200-800BC, so at this stage, there were still proto-Phoenicians in Canaan. We are told they sided with the Mittani, but maybe only as spies and infiltrators, because we see Phoenicia arising 200 years later, whereas the Mittani would never rise again.
But if we go back to the 11th Century BC, it seems that the Cult of Tanit (a Phoenician deity) was thriving here. This confirms a direct link between this place and the Phoenicians.

The following is a brief timeline of the Mittani, the Hittites and the Indus Valley Civilization.
3300 BC: Indus Valley Civilization emerges.
2780 BC: Indus Valley Civilization emerges as an advanced civilization, with cities laid out in grid-like patterns.
1697 BC: Indus Valley Civilization Collapses in the aftermath of the Aryan Invasion. Vedics are dominant in North India. Caste system starts being formulated.
1680 BC: Hittite Empire appears
1600 BC: Mittani Kingdom appears, after Hurrian tribes unite
1597 BC: Vedics control Bengal (but not South India).
1531 BC: Hittite raid Babylon; Babylonian Empire Collapses
1528 BC: Rig Veda begins production in North India
1471 BC: Assyria falls to Mittani
1457 BC: Under the rule of Pharaoh Thutmose III, Egyptian troops cross the Euphrates and enter the core lands of Mitanni. At Megiddo, he fought an alliance of 330 Mitanni princes and tribal leaders under the ruler of Kadesh. The Egyptians routed the Mittani, which fled to safety to the city of Megiddo. This resulted in the lengthy Siege of Megiddo. This was a decisive Egyptian victory and many Mittani were massacred. It was the first battle to have been recorded in relatively reliable detail. The Battle of Megiddo is also the first recorded use of body counts. All details of the battle come from Egyptian sources, who seem to have celebrated and propagandized it, to scare other potential enemies.
1351 BC: Egypt enters into a peace treaty with the Mittani due to the threat of the Hittites. They even intermarry, which suggests Phoenician infiltration of the Mittani.
1349 BC: Hittites expand into Anatolia
1343 BC: Hittites invade Mitanni
1342 BC: Hittites capture Aleppo
1341 BC: Hittites conquer Ugarit
1340 BC: Hittites conquer Mitanni
1271: Hittite-Egyptian peace treaty while Assyrians conquer Hurrian, dealing another blow to the Mittani.
1200 BC: In North India, “Composition of the Purusha Sukta, a hymn in the Rigveda, the earliest Sanskrit text and a foundation of the later Hindu tradition. It describes the creation of the world from the sacrifice of a cosmic man, from whose mouth, arms, thighs and feet emerge the four classes, or varnas, of society. This is the first textual representation of a system of social stratification that will later be known as caste.” Source
1173 BC: Hittites Collapse in the aftermath of the Trojan Wars. A small neo-Hittite kingdom of Tabal would linger till 713 BC.
516 BC: Buddhism founded in India by “Greeks,” and the earlier project of a caste-based society is abandoned by the Spookians. Miles has an interesting later paper in which he linked the Buddha to the Phoenicians.
Is there a connection between the Spookian annihilation of the Mittani (1457 BC), the Hittites (1173 BC) and the destruction of the Indus Valley Civilization?
I have found one link. It may be a weak one, but I am sure many more can be found with effort. Once the caste system in India was formulated and started being rolled out, a very large group of Indian natives, who were definitely not of Aryan origin, were placed at the bottom of the pyramid, and the derogatory term Madiga was ascribed to them. Madiga appears to be a play on Megiddo. The Spookians would find it suitable as a term used to describe a population that was defeated and humiliated after conquest.
↑1 | Robert Heine-Geldern, “The Coming of the Aryans and the end of the Harappa Civilization,” Man 56 (Oct. 1956) 139 |
↑2 | Michael Bamshad, Toomas Kivisild,W. Scott Watkins, Mary E. Dixon, Chris E. Ricker, Baskara B. Rao, J. Mastan Naidu, B.V. Ravi Prasad, P. Govinda Reddy, Arani Rasanayagam, Surinder S. Papiha, Richard Villems, Alan J. Redd, Michael F. Hammer, Son V. Nguyen, Marion L. Carroll, Mark A. Batzer and Lynn B. Jorde, “Genetic Evidence on the Origins of Indian Caste Population,” Genome Research 11 (2001): 994 |
↑3 | Alan Warwick Palmer (December 2000). Victory 1918. Grove Press. p. 238. ISBN 978-0-8021-3787-6 |
Interesting, all of this corroborates my own research and conclusions. This is my website: Esoteric Awakening. Stop by anytime if you like and feel free to use any of my work however you want, it may offer you more insights to use for your own work. I will read more of your work soon and will likely ask to republish a piece or two at my website at some point if you are interested, to introduce my readers to your work and website. Cheers mate
Just to mention the vandals/ gaiseric were in 400s AD, as part of the decline of the Roman Empire, not before. Keep up the good work.
Thanks. Gerry is aware of that. Yet he brings it up to highlight their strange affinity to Carthage.
[Samson…”when she discovers her[sic: his] motives.”
Corrected. Thanks.
And fake snow in texas :
lot of things happening in space too which NASA is hiding :
Phoenician Navy = Tribe of Dan
Almost. Tribe of Dan blew outa dere per Stephen Pidgeon after embracing the “Sons of Belial” perversion that got the Tribe of Benjamin slaughtered as blamed for their raping to death a Levite’s wife/concubine. Dan is cut out of the list of tribes in Revelation/Apocalypse, true, but Dan buddied up to the Amorites, Satanista Semites who reverse everything God is and wishes, so very heavy into Genesis 3:15 Woman & Seed persecuting as the foes of Satan, so anti-marriage, pro-gay, pro-slavery, promoting “gods made people as slaves” creation story everything opposite, Allah is crazy vicious slaver god everything opposite. Dan PLUS Amorite imposters pretending to be Neo-Sumerians, Neo-Assyrians, Neo-Babylonians, Neo-Cons! Rinse and repeat. DAN PLUS AMORITES ERASED JEWS AND NEW JEWS, CATHOLIC CHRISTIANS bringing divorce, usury, perpetual debt with “Protestant Reformation.” GREAT DECEPTION punked by Woman of Rev 12 at Fatima, Portugal, 1917 “Miracle of the Sun” with SIster Lucia replaced by Lucy2